We are all very busy working hard and learning lots of new things each day. Take a look at what we are up to!
January 2025
The Meadows
The Orchard
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
There was great excitement in Senior Infants as enjoyed playtime with some new toys.
Rang a hAon
Rang a Dó
Rang a Trí
The children were learning about penguins and so made penguins and igloos from clay. They painted them and created a winter scene. They look great!
The children were learning about measuring in maths with their student teacher. They were out and about making the most of the school grounds!
Rang a Ceathair
Rang a Cúig
5th Class went on a walking tour of Drogheda. It was very informative and they visited St. Peter's Church, West St, The Tholsel, Laurance's Gate and St. Peter's Church of Ireland.
Rang a Sé
Ms Moore and Mrs Quinns class made buns as a treat for all their hard work. Well done!
December 2024
The Meadows
The children were busy getting their Christmas art on display. They were delighted to have Santa visit. Thankfully both children and adults made the good list!!
The Orchard
Santa visited The Orchard and all the children are on the good list!
Santa visited The Orchard and all the children are on the good list!
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Junior Infants displayed beautiful Christmas art and it was on show in the hall for all to see.
Junior Infants displayed beautiful Christmas art and it was on show in the hall for all to see.
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Senior Infants had a busy December. They did a bauble hunt organised by 5th Class. The performed 'Ralph the Reindeer' and created some fabulous Christmas art.
Senior Infants had a busy December. They did a bauble hunt organised by 5th Class. The performed 'Ralph the Reindeer' and created some fabulous Christmas art.
Rang a hAon
Rang a Dó
Second Class were brilliant on stage and they should be very proud of their performance. They also had a visit from Santa and they were looking very festive in their Christmas jumpers.
Second Class were brilliant on stage and they should be very proud of their performance. They also had a visit from Santa and they were looking very festive in their Christmas jumpers.
Rang a Trí
Rang a Trí did Secret Santa and were all looking very happy with their presents. Well done!!
Rang a Trí did Secret Santa and were all looking very happy with their presents. Well done!!
Rang a Ceathair
4th Class enjoyed Secret Santa and they all made it onto Santa's good list. Great work!
4th Class enjoyed Secret Santa and they all made it onto Santa's good list. Great work!
Rang a Cúig
The boys and girls made beautiful Christmas decorations to brighten up their classroom. The children were so creative. Impressive work!!
The boys and girls made beautiful Christmas decorations to brighten up their classroom. The children were so creative. Impressive work!!
Rang a Sé
6th Class created the most fabulous snowmen which are on display in the corridor. We have extremely talented artist in the class.
6th Class created the most fabulous snowmen which are on display in the corridor. We have extremely talented artist in the class.
November 2024
The Meadows
The children worked together to make pizza with their preferred toppings. The pizza looks tasty!!
The children worked together to make pizza with their preferred toppings. The pizza looks tasty!!
The Orchard
The children celebrated Science Week by carrying out a science experiment `Dancing Raisins`. Great work!!
The children celebrated Science Week by carrying out a science experiment `Dancing Raisins`. Great work!!
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Our wonderful Junior Infants had a Pyjamas Party so celebrate all their hard work so far this term! We are very proud of our Junior Infants!!
Our wonderful Junior Infants had a Pyjamas Party so celebrate all their hard work so far this term! We are very proud of our Junior Infants!!
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Senior Infants were busy looking at different science experiments. They had great fun doing so. We love science!!
Senior Infants were busy looking at different science experiments. They had great fun doing so. We love science!!
Rang a hAon
Rang a Dó
2nd Class showed 1st Class their floating boats they made using a range of different materials. 1st Class were pretty impressive with their work!!
2nd Class showed 1st Class their floating boats they made using a range of different materials. 1st Class were pretty impressive with their work!!
Rang a Trí
Rang a Trí were busy being scientists this month. They carried out lots of different experiments and even had a seminar with 'Meet the Scientist'. Keep up the super work!!
Rang a Trí were busy being scientists this month. They carried out lots of different experiments and even had a seminar with 'Meet the Scientist'. Keep up the super work!!
Rang a Ceathair
Rang a Cúig
5th Class students had a Science Day in the school. They invited their parents and guardians in to see their experiments. The children put a lot of hard work into their experiments and presentations for the parents. Super work!!
5th Class students had a Science Day in the school. They invited their parents and guardians in to see their experiments. The children put a lot of hard work into their experiments and presentations for the parents. Super work!!
Rang a Sé
Our Sixth Classes were challenged to design and create a floating boat made from tin foil. They all worked well together to take on the challenge. Great job!
Our Sixth Classes were challenged to design and create a floating boat made from tin foil. They all worked well together to take on the challenge. Great job!
October 2024
The Meadows
The children in The Meadows have been enjoying weekly basketball training. Keep up the great work!
The Orchard
Congratulations to two of our boys from The Orchard as they completed their swimming lessons!
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Junior Infants were busy working on their maths this month. They celecbrated maths week by working at different stations in maths. Great work, Juniors!
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Senior Infants were practising the skill of skipping this month. It can be hard to master but they managed very well!
Rang a hAon
First Class were hard a work and enjoyed maths week activities! Well done!!
Rang a Dó
Second Class went on a maths trail around the school. They enjoyed a lot of different maths activities to celebrate maths week!
Rang a Trí
Rang a Trí made a fantastic effort dressing up for Halloween. Happy Halloween!
Rang a Ceathair
Fouth Class got very creative with their hair dos to celebrate Crazy Hair Day. A super well done 4th Class!
Rang a Cúig
Rang a Cúig got into the Halloween spirit with a baking lesson from Rose Mary. They made traditional Halloween barmbrack.
Rang a Sé
Mr Mc Evoy's 6th Class brought Junior Infants on a maths trail around the school grounds to celebrate Maths Week. It was a wonderful opportunity for the Junior Infants to explore the yard with the help of the older children. Well done to both classes!
September 2024
The Meadows
The children in The Meadows are settling back into school an dare having lots of doing in doing so!
The Orchard
The Orchard are working on life skills and they can all use the microwave now. As a treat they all made their own microwave popcorn to show off their skills. Well done!!
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Check out our new Junior Infants portraits. All the boys and girls are settling into their new school.
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Senior Infants were loving life playing with the different toys. The were enjoying mixing with their friends after the summer holidays.
Rang a hAon
1st Class were working hard on projects about amazing animals. They worked in groups and the end results are super impressive!! Their fantastic work is on display for all to see.
Rang a Dó
Second Class have settled back into school life and they took time to explore the surrounding area of the school. They are so happy to be back at school and they are excited for a very special year ahead.
Rang a Trí
Rang a trí enjoyed playing games from the past in the beautiful weather. They played conkers, hopscotch and more. They are also going to swimming lessons in Aura Leisure Centre and they are improving their swimming skills weekly. Well done!
Rang a Ceathair
Fourth Class have a basketball coach in. The children are really enjoying their sessions and it is safe to say we have some basketball players in the making!!
Rang a Cúig
Rang a Cúig enjoyed a STEAM presentation by STEAM Academy. It was very informative and it was wonderful to see the children so engaged.
Rang a Sé
Mr Mc Evoys 6th Class presented excellent projects on ancient Gods. Their projects are well worth a read. They also took time to bake some treats.
Rang a Sé
Ms Moore and Mrs Quinns 6th Class were out and about in the sunshine. They made the most of good weather and took the chance to work on their athletic skills.
May 2024
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Naíonáin Shinsearacha enjoyed thier school tour to Newgrange Farm. They learned a lot about the animals, fed animals, went on a tractor ride and had a picnic. It was a wonderful day for all the children.
Naíonáin Shinsearacha enjoyed thier school tour to Newgrange Farm. They learned a lot about the animals, fed animals, went on a tractor ride and had a picnic. It was a wonderful day for all the children.
Rang a hAon
Rang a Dó
Rang a Dó tried out the different activities 5th Class designed for them. They had so much fun in the sun. Thanks 5th Class and well done to 2nd Class!
Rang a Dó tried out the different activities 5th Class designed for them. They had so much fun in the sun. Thanks 5th Class and well done to 2nd Class!
Rang a Trí
Rang a Ceathair
Rang a Ceathair also took part in an engineering workshop where they had to design and construct bridges while working in teams. Their bridges were extremely impressive!!
Rang a Ceathair also took part in an engineering workshop where they had to design and construct bridges while working in teams. Their bridges were extremely impressive!!
Rang a Cúig
Rang a Cúig engaged in an engineering workshop. We had a visitor from DKIT who proved to be fantastic and gave a very worthwhile workshop. The children had a great time and did great work.
Rang a Cúig engaged in an engineering workshop. We had a visitor from DKIT who proved to be fantastic and gave a very worthwhile workshop. The children had a great time and did great work.
Rang a Sé
Rang a Sé made their Confirmation. The sacrament of Confirmation is a very important sacrament and prepares the children for life as they prepare to leave our school. The ceremony was so special and the choir sang beautifully. Many thanks to all involved.
Rang a Sé made their Confirmation. The sacrament of Confirmation is a very important sacrament and prepares the children for life as they prepare to leave our school. The ceremony was so special and the choir sang beautifully. Many thanks to all involved.
April 2024
The Meadows
They boys in The Meadows were busy celebrating World Earth Day by doing various different activities. They worked hard their fine motor skills and focused on their colouring. Well done, boys!
They boys in The Meadows were busy celebrating World Earth Day by doing various different activities. They worked hard their fine motor skills and focused on their colouring. Well done, boys!
The Orchard
The children in The Orchard were very creative this month engaging in various different art activities. They all worked together to create a beautiful scene from The Snail and The Whale. One of our very talented and artistic students drew the whale and each child added to the masterpiece. The end result is so impressive!
The children in The Orchard were very creative this month engaging in various different art activities. They all worked together to create a beautiful scene from The Snail and The Whale. One of our very talented and artistic students drew the whale and each child added to the masterpiece. The end result is so impressive!
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Junior Infants were treated to a Pizza Party because one of our Junior Infants students won an art competition. Congratulations!!! Junior Infants decided it was important to celebrate World Earth Day and learn how the importance of protecting our planet. Super work!!
Junior Infants were treated to a Pizza Party because one of our Junior Infants students won an art competition. Congratulations!!! Junior Infants decided it was important to celebrate World Earth Day and learn how the importance of protecting our planet. Super work!!
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Senior Infants dressed in blue and green to celebrate World Earth Day. They worked together to determine how they could reduce their plastics and how they could make the right choices in their everyday lives. Fantastic work, Senior Infants!!
Senior Infants dressed in blue and green to celebrate World Earth Day. They worked together to determine how they could reduce their plastics and how they could make the right choices in their everyday lives. Fantastic work, Senior Infants!!
Rang a hAon
First class helped clean up the school grounds by doing litter picking, they discussed the importance of making good choices when it comes to protecting our planet to celebrate World Earth Day. They also looked at the parts of the daffodils they planted earlier in the school year.
First class helped clean up the school grounds by doing litter picking, they discussed the importance of making good choices when it comes to protecting our planet to celebrate World Earth Day. They also looked at the parts of the daffodils they planted earlier in the school year.
Rang a Dó
Second Class had a very special month as they made their First Holy Communion. It was such a wonderful occasion for the children and their families. It was a very special day for the school community too. The children put a tremendous effort into their preparation and into their beautiful artwork. The children also found time to help pick some litter up around the school ground for World Earth Day and in preparation for their special day. Well done and thank you!
Second Class had a very special month as they made their First Holy Communion. It was such a wonderful occasion for the children and their families. It was a very special day for the school community too. The children put a tremendous effort into their preparation and into their beautiful artwork. The children also found time to help pick some litter up around the school ground for World Earth Day and in preparation for their special day. Well done and thank you!
Rang a Trí
Third Class celebrated World Earth Day by creating these interesting and effective pieces of art using their findings from the environment. They are amazing and they have gotten so much interest from both adults and children.
Third Class celebrated World Earth Day by creating these interesting and effective pieces of art using their findings from the environment. They are amazing and they have gotten so much interest from both adults and children.
Rang a Ceathair
Fourth Class were hard at work creating agamographs to celebrate World Earth Day all while dressed in green and blue. They put in a fantastic effort and and the end results were superb! Amazing work, Rang a Ceathair!
Fourth Class were hard at work creating agamographs to celebrate World Earth Day all while dressed in green and blue. They put in a fantastic effort and and the end results were superb! Amazing work, Rang a Ceathair!
Rang a Cúig
Rang a Sé
The children in 6th Class celebrated World Earth Day by creating fabulous art work which is displayed in the corridors and they played an important part in the community by doing litter picking in the area. Thanks so much!
The children in 6th Class celebrated World Earth Day by creating fabulous art work which is displayed in the corridors and they played an important part in the community by doing litter picking in the area. Thanks so much!
March 2024
The Meadows
The Meadows celebrated World Down Syndrome Day by wearing lots of socks to school. Well done, boys!
The Meadows celebrated World Down Syndrome Day by wearing lots of socks to school. Well done, boys!
The Orchard
The children in The Orchard collected lots of different flowers, leaves, grass and more to make sensory bags as part of Engineers Week. They were also very creative making St Patrick's Day art. Keep up the fantastic work!
The children in The Orchard collected lots of different flowers, leaves, grass and more to make sensory bags as part of Engineers Week. They were also very creative making St Patrick's Day art. Keep up the fantastic work!
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Junior Infants were busy being creative in the classroom again. The children engaged in lots of different toys making some very impressive structures. They also celebrated a very important day, World Down Syndrome Day by wearing lots of different socks and by having hot chocolate in the staff room.
Junior Infants were busy being creative in the classroom again. The children engaged in lots of different toys making some very impressive structures. They also celebrated a very important day, World Down Syndrome Day by wearing lots of different socks and by having hot chocolate in the staff room.
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Senior Infants celebrated Seachtaine na Gaeilge by wearing green and by performing in front of the whole school. We were all so impressed by their song as Gaeilge!! Maith sibh!
Senior Infants celebrated Seachtaine na Gaeilge by wearing green and by performing in front of the whole school. We were all so impressed by their song as Gaeilge!! Maith sibh!
Rang a hAon
1st Class celebrated Seachtaine na Gaeilge by wearing green and they did some acting in class. Maith sibh Rang a hAon!! They enjoyed the Circus workshop and they got to learn new skills which were fun. They celebrated World Down Syndrome Day and visited the church to learn about the Station of the Cross.
1st Class celebrated Seachtaine na Gaeilge by wearing green and they did some acting in class. Maith sibh Rang a hAon!! They enjoyed the Circus workshop and they got to learn new skills which were fun. They celebrated World Down Syndrome Day and visited the church to learn about the Station of the Cross.
Rang a Dó
2nd Class celebrated World Down Syndrome Day and made a wonderful effort with their sock choice. They also had some of the ladies show off their Irish dancing skills to the whole school. Maith sibh!!
2nd Class celebrated World Down Syndrome Day and made a wonderful effort with their sock choice. They also had some of the ladies show off their Irish dancing skills to the whole school. Maith sibh!!
Rang a Trí
3rd Class made an amazing effort with their costumes for World Book Day. We are so proud of you all!!
3rd Class made an amazing effort with their costumes for World Book Day. We are so proud of you all!!
Rang a Ceathair
4th Class were extremely busy this month. They completed brilliant projects on Japan and lots of detailed art work. Their Celtic knots in the corridor are real show stopppers. They also went to Dublin to take part in Science Blast in the RDS. The children presented an excellent project to the judges 'Does music and nature have an effect on productivity?'
4th Class were extremely busy this month. They completed brilliant projects on Japan and lots of detailed art work. Their Celtic knots in the corridor are real show stopppers. They also went to Dublin to take part in Science Blast in the RDS. The children presented an excellent project to the judges 'Does music and nature have an effect on productivity?'
Rang a Cúig
5th Class did a bit of everything this month from performing, to gardening to engineering. The children made a great effort to celebrate Engineers Week by working together to construct structures made from different things. Their daffodil bulbs that they planted earlier in the school year really added a pop of colour to the grounds. Keep up the great work!
5th Class did a bit of everything this month from performing, to gardening to engineering. The children made a great effort to celebrate Engineers Week by working together to construct structures made from different things. Their daffodil bulbs that they planted earlier in the school year really added a pop of colour to the grounds. Keep up the great work!
Rang a Sé
February 2024
The Meadows
The children in The Meadows enjoyed the visit from the fire fighters and the fire engines. They learned a lot about fire safety and really enjoyed sitting in and looking at different parts of the fire engines.
The children in The Meadows enjoyed the visit from the fire fighters and the fire engines. They learned a lot about fire safety and really enjoyed sitting in and looking at different parts of the fire engines.
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Junior Infants were busy learning about fire safety this month. We were very lucky to have a visit from Drogheda Fire Station fire fighters and their fire engines. The children listened very well to all the fire fighters and they learned a lot about the dangers of fires.
Junior Infants were busy learning about fire safety this month. We were very lucky to have a visit from Drogheda Fire Station fire fighters and their fire engines. The children listened very well to all the fire fighters and they learned a lot about the dangers of fires.
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Senior Infants were thrilled to meet the fire fighters. The fire fighters gave the children a very informative talk all about fire safety. The children had their photo taken inside the fire engines too.
Senior Infants were thrilled to meet the fire fighters. The fire fighters gave the children a very informative talk all about fire safety. The children had their photo taken inside the fire engines too.
Rang a hAon
Rang a hAon made delicious pancakes and enjoyed Buddy Reading with the children from 5th Class. Thanks 5th Class!!
Rang a hAon made delicious pancakes and enjoyed Buddy Reading with the children from 5th Class. Thanks 5th Class!!
Rang a Dó
Rang a Dó enjoyed a visited from the fire fighters and the fire engines. The children learned about about fire safety and were able to answer questions about fire safety. They got to spend time looking at the fire engines and
Rang a Dó enjoyed a visited from the fire fighters and the fire engines. The children learned about about fire safety and were able to answer questions about fire safety. They got to spend time looking at the fire engines and
Rang a Trí
Love is in the Air! 3rd Class made fabulous Valentines Day Mail Boxes. They are so colourful and unique which is wonderful to see.
Love is in the Air! 3rd Class made fabulous Valentines Day Mail Boxes. They are so colourful and unique which is wonderful to see.
Rang a Ceathair
4th Class made beautiful Valentines Day art and even tried them out for size. Well done!
4th Class made beautiful Valentines Day art and even tried them out for size. Well done!
Rang a Cúig
5th Class were hard at work making St. Brigid Day crosses from wool. They were difficult to make but everyone did a super job!
5th Class were hard at work making St. Brigid Day crosses from wool. They were difficult to make but everyone did a super job!
Rang a Sé
6th Class enjoyed a Pizza Party and a Pajama Party for all their hard work. Well done!!
6th Class enjoyed a Pizza Party and a Pajama Party for all their hard work. Well done!!
January 2024
The Orchard
The children in The Orchard were busy working on science experiments. They were doing a lot of investigating while having fun. Keep up the wonderful work!
The children in The Orchard were busy working on science experiments. They were doing a lot of investigating while having fun. Keep up the wonderful work!
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Junior Infants were busy working on winter artwork which is amazing. Their penguins and snowmen look very impressive!
Junior Infants were busy working on winter artwork which is amazing. Their penguins and snowmen look very impressive!
Rang a hAon
Fantastic 1st Class were working on their Kenning poems which turned out great. they wrote them, decorated them and they are hanging up in the classroom.
Fantastic 1st Class were working on their Kenning poems which turned out great. they wrote them, decorated them and they are hanging up in the classroom.
Rang a Dó
The children in 2nd Class were busy preparing for Grandparents Day. They read a poem, sang songs, shared memories and more. A lovely day was had by all!
The children in 2nd Class were busy preparing for Grandparents Day. They read a poem, sang songs, shared memories and more. A lovely day was had by all!
Rang a Trí
Third Class were engaging with lessons with Ms Kearney. The children really enjoyed their time with Ms Kearney.
Third Class were engaging with lessons with Ms Kearney. The children really enjoyed their time with Ms Kearney.
Rang a Ceathair
Rang a Cúig
5th Class read their brilliant stories to Senior Infants. The children were so impressed!
5th Class read their brilliant stories to Senior Infants. The children were so impressed!
Rang a Sé
December 2023
Rang a Cúig
Our fantastic 5th Class children spread some Christmas spirit made Christmas decorations from recycled materials and they look fantastic!!
Our fantastic 5th Class children spread some Christmas spirit made Christmas decorations from recycled materials and they look fantastic!!
Rang a Sé
6th Class had a visit from Santa and got a lovely treat each. They also were working hard on their engineering assignments. It is great to see such team work and problem solving going on.
6th Class had a visit from Santa and got a lovely treat each. They also were working hard on their engineering assignments. It is great to see such team work and problem solving going on.
November 2023
The Meadows
The boys in the meadows were busy being scientist this week and they really enjoyed exploring science. Impressive work!
The boys in the meadows were busy being scientist this week and they really enjoyed exploring science. Impressive work!
The Orchard
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Rang a hAon
1st Class were being creative this week and did fabulous art work!
1st Class were being creative this week and did fabulous art work!
Rang a Dó
Rang a Dó were busy doing science experiments in class. I think we may have some scientists in the making.
Rang a Dó were busy doing science experiments in class. I think we may have some scientists in the making.
Rang a Trí
3rd Class celebrated World Diabetes Day by wearing blue and learning about diabetes. It is great to be aware of diabetes as some many people live with it.
3rd Class celebrated World Diabetes Day by wearing blue and learning about diabetes. It is great to be aware of diabetes as some many people live with it.
Rang a Ceathair
Lucky 4th Class were treated to breakfast in the staff room after all their hard work since September.
Lucky 4th Class were treated to breakfast in the staff room after all their hard work since September.
Rang a Cúig
5th Class took a trip to the Cement Factory in Platin. It was a very educational trip and a very enjoyable day out. Thank you to all involved in making the trip happen.
5th Class took a trip to the Cement Factory in Platin. It was a very educational trip and a very enjoyable day out. Thank you to all involved in making the trip happen.
Rang a Sé
Some of our amazing 6th Class students were competing in the Credit Union Table Quiz. they did very well and we are all so proud of them. They were also busy being scientists. Keep up the great work!!
Some of our amazing 6th Class students were competing in the Credit Union Table Quiz. they did very well and we are all so proud of them. They were also busy being scientists. Keep up the great work!!
October 2023
The Meadows
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween
The Orchard
The children in The Orchard were looking spooky! Happy Halloween!!
The children in The Orchard were looking spooky! Happy Halloween!!
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Junior Infants got into the Halloween spirit by dressing up and by creating some spooky art!!!
Junior Infants got into the Halloween spirit by dressing up and by creating some spooky art!!!
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Senior Infants came up with very impressive costumes for Haloween!! Well done on your super effort children!
Senior Infants came up with very impressive costumes for Haloween!! Well done on your super effort children!
Rang a hAon
The children in 1st Class were looking scary this Halloween!!!!
The children in 1st Class were looking scary this Halloween!!!!
Rang a Trí
Rang a Ceathair
Congratulations to 4th Class on their amazing effort put into their costumes and their brilliant 'Spooky Houses'. Keep up the super work!
Congratulations to 4th Class on their amazing effort put into their costumes and their brilliant 'Spooky Houses'. Keep up the super work!
Rang a Cúig
5th Class celebrated Maths Week by invited parents in to talk about how they use maths in their work. Thank you to the parents and well done to the children on their fantastic questions.
5th Class celebrated Maths Week by invited parents in to talk about how they use maths in their work. Thank you to the parents and well done to the children on their fantastic questions.
Rang a Sé
September 2023
The Meadows
The children from The Meadows are enjoying their new yard area. The boys are absolutely loving it!
The children from The Meadows are enjoying their new yard area. The boys are absolutely loving it!
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Junior Infants have settled well into big school and have produced some fabulous self portraits. Well done!!
Junior Infants have settled well into big school and have produced some fabulous self portraits. Well done!!
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Rang a hAon
First Class are getting into weekly Estimation Station. We love estimating in Rang a hAon!!
First Class are getting into weekly Estimation Station. We love estimating in Rang a hAon!!
Rang a Dó
Rang a Trí
Rang a Trí have been enjoying their weekly swimming lessons in Aura Leisure Centre. They are really improving every week. Keep up the great work!!
Rang a Trí have been enjoying their weekly swimming lessons in Aura Leisure Centre. They are really improving every week. Keep up the great work!!
Rang a Cúig
5th Class planted acorns and chestnuts as part of National Tree Day. Hopefully they will grow into oak trees and horse chestnut trees.
5th Class planted acorns and chestnuts as part of National Tree Day. Hopefully they will grow into oak trees and horse chestnut trees.
Rang a Sé
Sixth Class were buddying up with Rang a Cúig to improve their oral Irish language. Maith sibh!!
Sixth Class were buddying up with Rang a Cúig to improve their oral Irish language. Maith sibh!!
June 2023
The Meadows
The children from The Meadows enjoyed Mrs Griffin's retirement celebrations. They were in on the action and dressed in blue and yellow to celebration Mrs Griffin's service to Sandpit N.S!
The children from The Meadows enjoyed Mrs Griffin's retirement celebrations. They were in on the action and dressed in blue and yellow to celebration Mrs Griffin's service to Sandpit N.S!
The Orchard
Rang a Sé
6th Class enjoyed an extra school tour to the National Aquatic Centre followed by a trip to McDonalds. The 6th Class children earned this school tour as a result of their amazing efforts on their Junior Entrepreneur Programme. Super Well Done!!
6th Class enjoyed an extra school tour to the National Aquatic Centre followed by a trip to McDonalds. The 6th Class children earned this school tour as a result of their amazing efforts on their Junior Entrepreneur Programme. Super Well Done!!
Rang a Cúig
Rang a Ceathair
4th Class celebrated Mrs Griffin's retirement by wearing blue and yellow. They also performed a very special song for her. She was really blown away by your efforts.
4th Class celebrated Mrs Griffin's retirement by wearing blue and yellow. They also performed a very special song for her. She was really blown away by your efforts.
Rang a Trí
Rang a Dó
2nd Class were learning all about the importance of bees on the environment. A local bee keeper visited the school and the children had lots of fun trying on the beekeepers outfit!
2nd Class were learning all about the importance of bees on the environment. A local bee keeper visited the school and the children had lots of fun trying on the beekeepers outfit!
Rang a hAon
1st Class children enjoyed their school tour to Emerald Park. They visited the animals, went on the rides and had their lunch together on the picnic benches. Everyone had a wonderful time!
1st Class children enjoyed their school tour to Emerald Park. They visited the animals, went on the rides and had their lunch together on the picnic benches. Everyone had a wonderful time!
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Senior Infants enjoyed Sports Day followed by an ice-cream party! The children put in a tremendous effort into their races and we are all very proud of them!
Senior Infants enjoyed Sports Day followed by an ice-cream party! The children put in a tremendous effort into their races and we are all very proud of them!
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
May 2023
The Meadows
The Orchard
The children from The Orchard took part in Sports Day and had an amazing time. They loved the races and were super fast at running. Congratulations to all the boys and girls!
Rang a Sé
6th Class were supporting Louth and went all out in doing so. No doubt we have a few Louth players in the making!
6th Class were supporting Louth and went all out in doing so. No doubt we have a few Louth players in the making!
Rang a Cúig
Our fabulous 5th Class children were extremely helpful on the 'Summer Clean Up' around the area. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!
Our fabulous 5th Class children were extremely helpful on the 'Summer Clean Up' around the area. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!
Rang a Ceathair
Fantastic 4th Class were also busy helping with the 'Summer Clean Up' in the local area. They worked so well as a team and their hard work was evident. Thank you so much!
Fantastic 4th Class were also busy helping with the 'Summer Clean Up' in the local area. They worked so well as a team and their hard work was evident. Thank you so much!
Rang a Trí
Rang a Dó
2nd Class children did an amazing perform for the whole school. It was lovely to gather as a whole school an appreciate the beautiful music and hard work of the children in 2nd Class.
2nd Class children did an amazing perform for the whole school. It was lovely to gather as a whole school an appreciate the beautiful music and hard work of the children in 2nd Class.
Rang a hAon
Rang a hAon were out doing their bit for the 'Summer Clean Up' too. It is brilliant to see the younger children in the school getting so involved. The Green School Committee are thrilled with their efforts!!
Rang a hAon were out doing their bit for the 'Summer Clean Up' too. It is brilliant to see the younger children in the school getting so involved. The Green School Committee are thrilled with their efforts!!
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Senior Infants were gifted a beautiful sunflower by a very kind and generous granny. They also had a visit from Fr Paul and his vintage car. The children were also busy writing words and sums on their whiteboards. Keep up the excellent work!
Senior Infants were gifted a beautiful sunflower by a very kind and generous granny. They also had a visit from Fr Paul and his vintage car. The children were also busy writing words and sums on their whiteboards. Keep up the excellent work!
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Junior Infants had a wonderful time on their school tour to Newgrange Farm. They got to hold and pet the animals, go on the tractor ride and had a picnic. The children can not wait to go back again next year!
Junior Infants had a wonderful time on their school tour to Newgrange Farm. They got to hold and pet the animals, go on the tractor ride and had a picnic. The children can not wait to go back again next year!
April 2023
The Meadows
The children from our Meadows Class have been enjoying the sunshine and are getting plenty of time to be active. Well done, boys!
The children from our Meadows Class have been enjoying the sunshine and are getting plenty of time to be active. Well done, boys!
The Orchard
The students from The Orchard Class are busy getting out and about and even took a walk to the church. Keep up the fantastic work!
The students from The Orchard Class are busy getting out and about and even took a walk to the church. Keep up the fantastic work!
Rang a Sé
Our fantastic 6th Class children were very lucky to get a guided tour of Drogheda United Stadium. They had a wonderful day out!
Our fantastic 6th Class children were very lucky to get a guided tour of Drogheda United Stadium. They had a wonderful day out!
Rang a Cúig
5th Class children were busy being creative and personalised their own individual tie dye tops. They also enjoyed a treat from XL as a reward for all their hard work!!
5th Class children were busy being creative and personalised their own individual tie dye tops. They also enjoyed a treat from XL as a reward for all their hard work!!
Rang a Ceathair
The children from 4th Class have been taking part in table tennis competitions as part of the The Active Flag. Well done!! One of our students has achieved a certificate for Life Saving. What an achievement!!!
The children from 4th Class have been taking part in table tennis competitions as part of the The Active Flag. Well done!! One of our students has achieved a certificate for Life Saving. What an achievement!!!
Rang a Trí
Third Class were a great help in contributing to The Active Flag. They were always enthusiastic and full of fabulous ideas!
Third Class were a great help in contributing to The Active Flag. They were always enthusiastic and full of fabulous ideas!
Rang a Dó
Rang a Dó are enjoying the sunshine while doing PE outside. They are busy preparing for their First Holy Communion this month too!
Rang a Dó are enjoying the sunshine while doing PE outside. They are busy preparing for their First Holy Communion this month too!
Rang a hAon
First Class children were busy bring ACTIVE this month and really enjoyed 'Wake Up, Shake Up'!
First Class children were busy bring ACTIVE this month and really enjoyed 'Wake Up, Shake Up'!
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Senior Infants enjoyed a visit from calves. They learned all about them and even got to pet them!
Senior Infants enjoyed a visit from calves. They learned all about them and even got to pet them!
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Junior Infants enjoyed a well deserved treat of ice- cream from XL.
Junior Infants enjoyed a well deserved treat of ice- cream from XL.
March 2023
The Meadows
The children from The Meadows were busy improving their building skills for Engineers Week. They had lots of fun doing this activity.
The children from The Meadows were busy improving their building skills for Engineers Week. They had lots of fun doing this activity.
The Orchard
The children dressed up for World Book Day and made a wonderful effort! Well done children!
The children dressed up for World Book Day and made a wonderful effort! Well done children!
Rang a Sé
6th Class children were busy being engineers this week. They carried out a lot of challenging activities. Check out the photos!
6th Class children were busy being engineers this week. They carried out a lot of challenging activities. Check out the photos!
Rang a Cúig
Fifth Class children really made a fantastic effort for World Book Day with some children really getting into character. Lots of wonderful memories were made.
Fifth Class children really made a fantastic effort for World Book Day with some children really getting into character. Lots of wonderful memories were made.
Rang a Ceathair
4th Class children had great fun today for World Book Day. They really impressed us with their efforts.
4th Class children had great fun today for World Book Day. They really impressed us with their efforts.
Rang a Trí
Congratulations to the pupils in Rang a Trí in their hard work this week. They were all thinking, working and problem solving like engineers. Super job!!
Congratulations to the pupils in Rang a Trí in their hard work this week. They were all thinking, working and problem solving like engineers. Super job!!
Rang a Dó
Rang a Dó were unrecognisable today as they came to school in dress up. We were so impressed with the amazing effort made by the children. Keep up the super work!
Rang a Dó were unrecognisable today as they came to school in dress up. We were so impressed with the amazing effort made by the children. Keep up the super work!
Rang a hAon
Our wonderful 6th Class children organised a Treasure Hunt for our 1st Class children as Gaeilge. How impressive!! Lots of fun was had by all.
Our wonderful 6th Class children organised a Treasure Hunt for our 1st Class children as Gaeilge. How impressive!! Lots of fun was had by all.
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Senior Infants designed glasses for Monkey from Night Monkey, Day Monkey. They worked on their cutting skills too!
Senior Infants designed glasses for Monkey from Night Monkey, Day Monkey. They worked on their cutting skills too!
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Junior Infants went all out today for World Book Day. Their costumes were AMAZING!!
Junior Infants went all out today for World Book Day. Their costumes were AMAZING!!
February 2023
The Meadows
The boys were really getting into the spirit of Valentines Day with fabulous art and craft activities. Amazing work boys!
The Orchard
Love is in the Air!! The children in The Orchard enjoyed doing lots of fun activities for Valentines Day.
Rang a Sé
6th Class finished up their workshop with Bike Green. It was a worthwhile project and the children took so many skills from it. Well done!
Rang a Cúig
Rang a Cúig have been lucky enough to get basketball training weekly which they are throughly enjoying. Keep up the great work children!
They have also been working hard on fabulous Valentines Day mailboxes. Each one is unique and very the childrens artistic abilities are very evident.
They have also been working hard on fabulous Valentines Day mailboxes. Each one is unique and very the childrens artistic abilities are very evident.
Rang a Ceathair
Fourth Class had a wonderful day out in The RDS competing in ScienceBlast. They worked extremely hard on their project with their teacher and really impressed the judges. They also got a chance to see lots of different aspects of science and see how science impacts are daily lives.
Fourth Class had a wonderful day out in The RDS competing in ScienceBlast. They worked extremely hard on their project with their teacher and really impressed the judges. They also got a chance to see lots of different aspects of science and see how science impacts are daily lives.
Rang a Trí
The children in Rang a Trí were busy creating beautiful Valentines Day pieces. The hearts look stunning!!
The children in Rang a Trí were busy creating beautiful Valentines Day pieces. The hearts look stunning!!
Rang a Dó
Rang a hAon
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Senior Infants were busy clocking up steps on Peter's Path as part of Map My Walk. They also made lovely Valentines Day cards for their parents.
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Junior Infants worked hard on their Valentines Day art and really got into the spirit of Valentines Day.
Junior Infants worked hard on their Valentines Day art and really got into the spirit of Valentines Day.
December 2022
The Meadows
The Orchard
The Orchard are really getting into the Christmas spirit. They were learning about the season of winter and did some super art to display.
Rang a Sé
Our wonderful students in 6th Class visited Sunhill Nursing Home to sing some Christmas carols to the residents. It was a lovely afternoon and enjoyed by both the children and the residences.
Rang a Sé took to the stage to perform their Christmas concert, 'Scrooge'. It was a big success! Their beautiful artwork is also on displayed and really welcomes you into the school.
Rang a Cúig
5th Class students were busy learning all about volcanoes and volcanoes all around the world. They constructed their own volcanoes using the papier mache, created their own volcano explosions and did some writing about volcanoes. The corridors look amazing with all the vibrant colours. Fabulous work 5th Class!!
Rang a Ceathair
Rang a Ceathair were busy this month writing Christmas stories which are displayed on the corridors. They are well worth a read! They completed beautiful artwork using chalk. They also completed fabulous projects on The Vikings. Impressive work 4th Class!!
Rang a Trí
Our Terrific Third Class were brilliant on stage. They performed 'Jack and the Beanstalk' followed by a music performance. We are so proud of you! They also have an amazing art display inspired by Kandinsky.
Rang a Dó
The wonderful 2nd Class were busy writing about 'Little Red Riding Hood'. Their writing is fantastic and well worth a read! They were also SUPER STARS on the stage performing 'Jonah and the Whale'. They were singing and dancing and really impressed the audience!!
Rang a hAon
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Santa letters were not the only letters Senior Infants were writing this December. They received letters from the children in Scoil Realt na Mara and wrote back to them. It was great fun reading letters from children in another school.
Senior Infants created a lot of amazing Christmas art and had a lot of fun doing so!
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Junior Infants really set the standard for our Christmas display in the hall by creating a real MASTERPIECE!!! They painted elves, decorated their own Christmas tree and made angles using their own hand prints! They performed 'The Sleepy Shepherd' which was incredible!!
The children visited the church to look at the crib.
November 2022
Check out the photos of our super students during Science Week!! A massive well done to all involved!
The Meadows
The Orchard
Rang a Sé
Rang a Cúig
Rang a Ceathair
Rang a Trí
Rang a Dó
Rang a hAon
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
October 2022
The Meadows
The children made a great effort when dressing up.
The Orchard
The children in the Orchard were all dressed up for Halloween and were looking amazing!
Rang a Sé
Rang a Cúig
Rang a Ceathair
Rang a Trí
Rang a Dó
Rang a hAon
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
September 2022
The Meadows
The children in The Meadows painted hedgehogs and made a fabulous display. They really enjoyed the art lesson.
The Orchard
A wonderful project on Amelia Earhart by a wonderful student from The Orchard.
Autumnal art by the children from The Orchard.
Rang a Sé
Rang a Sé have created stunning Autumnal art. It is so vibrant and lively! Super work!!
Rang a Cúig
Rang a Cúig enjoying PE and showing off their individual folders.
5th Class completed projects on 'School Life - Now and Then'. The projects are excellent and well worth a read!
Rang a Ceathair
4th Class have been studying the Viking and have produced excellent projects. They went to great efforts when working on their projects. Congratulations on the great work children!
The boys and girls enjoying the sunshine and some Gaelic training.
Rang a Trí
Rang a Trí enjoying Gaelic training sessions.
3rd Class have been busy creating fabulous art work which is really brightening up our corridors.
Rang a Dó
Rang a Dó were learning about the story of Oisín i dTír na Óg. They worked together and produced the most fabulous pictures to sequence the story.
2nd Class have started music lessons with Music Generation Louth. The children are learning the violin, viola and cello. The lessons are going really well so far and the children are really enjoying themselves.
Rang a hAon
1st Class have created perfect portraits. They finished their work off with a mosaic border. They did a fabulous job!
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Senior Infants were out on a nature walk around the school and they did leaf rubbings with the leaves they collected.
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Junior Infants have settled well into school life in Sandpit N.S. They have been so busy doing lots of wonderful word. They are painted their portraits, compiled a poem booklet and much more. Their work in absolutely amazing! Well done Junior Infants!!
May 2022
The Orchard
The Zoo
The children were learning all about the zoo. They picked their favourite animals.
The children were learning all about the zoo. They picked their favourite animals.
May Altar
This fabulous painting was completed by our extremely talented student and inspired by Van Gogh's Sunflowers. Our students amaze us everyday!
This fabulous painting was completed by our extremely talented student and inspired by Van Gogh's Sunflowers. Our students amaze us everyday!
Rang a Sé
Our amazing 6th Class children received the Gift of the Holy Spirit on Saturday. It was a beautiful ceremony and a very special day for our pupils. We are so proud of you all!
Our amazing 6th Class children received the Gift of the Holy Spirit on Saturday. It was a beautiful ceremony and a very special day for our pupils. We are so proud of you all!
Rang a Cúig
Ár gCaitheamh Aimsire
Women in History
The children from 5th Class were busy researching inspirational women from history. They produced really impressive projects which are on display in our corridor. Maith sibh!
The children from 5th Class were busy researching inspirational women from history. They produced really impressive projects which are on display in our corridor. Maith sibh!
Fun in the Sun
The children had a lovely day of fun in the sun. They played lots of different games and had plenty of laughs!
The children had a lovely day of fun in the sun. They played lots of different games and had plenty of laughs!
Pizza Party
Some lucky children got to make pizzas in the staff room. They were delicious!!
Some lucky children got to make pizzas in the staff room. They were delicious!!
While some children were away in the Gaeltacht others were busy making slime. Great fun was had by all!
While some children were away in the Gaeltacht others were busy making slime. Great fun was had by all!
Tie Dye
5th Class took on to tie dye their t-shirts. We look forward to seeing the end results!
Rang a Ceathair
In the Mood for Summer
How fab do our cows look? We were inspired by Irish artist Eoin O'Connor so we created these cows. We had so much fun doing them. The cows have also returned to the fields surrounding our school also.
How fab do our cows look? We were inspired by Irish artist Eoin O'Connor so we created these cows. We had so much fun doing them. The cows have also returned to the fields surrounding our school also.
Cool Caps
4th Class children designed their own hat just in time for the summer months. They are thrilled with the how they look!
4th Class children designed their own hat just in time for the summer months. They are thrilled with the how they look!
We had a visit from some very special visitors. The piglets Mimi and Spotty were on their best behaviour!
We had a visit from some very special visitors. The piglets Mimi and Spotty were on their best behaviour!
Rang a Trí
3rd Class were learning about the rainforests and completed fabulous art work.
3rd Class were learning about the rainforests and completed fabulous art work.
Amazing Animals
The boys and girls were busy learning about animals. They made a fact file on their chosen animals.
The boys and girls were busy learning about animals. They made a fact file on their chosen animals.
Rang a Dó
Trip To The Shop
The fabulous 2nd Class brought the Junior Infants up to the shop. The were so sensible and well behaved and they set an excellent example for the Junior Infants. They all enjoyed a lovely ice-cream from XL.
The fabulous 2nd Class brought the Junior Infants up to the shop. The were so sensible and well behaved and they set an excellent example for the Junior Infants. They all enjoyed a lovely ice-cream from XL.
First Holy Communion
2nd Class have had a very busy few weeks preparing for their First Holy Communion. On Saturday the boys and girls made their Communion. It was such a wonderful day for the children, their families and the school community. We are all so proud of the children! Well done!
2nd Class have had a very busy few weeks preparing for their First Holy Communion. On Saturday the boys and girls made their Communion. It was such a wonderful day for the children, their families and the school community. We are all so proud of the children! Well done!
Rang a hAon
Habitats of Insects
The children searched for different homes that insects live in like grass, sticks, stones, moss and more. The sorted them into different textures.
The children searched for different homes that insects live in like grass, sticks, stones, moss and more. The sorted them into different textures.
Author's Chair
After reading a book about whales called 'Dear Greenpeace' the children wrote a letter to Greenpeace. They wrote about how the whales habitats are endangered.
After reading a book about whales called 'Dear Greenpeace' the children wrote a letter to Greenpeace. They wrote about how the whales habitats are endangered.
How We Hear
The cups represent the outer ear, ear canal and the ear drum. The children hit their pencil off the tin foil to demonstrate how sound waves travel.
The cups represent the outer ear, ear canal and the ear drum. The children hit their pencil off the tin foil to demonstrate how sound waves travel.
Naíonáin Shinsearacha
Our Names Are Special
Our names are special and unique to us all. The children created their name using crepe paper. Well done Senior Infants!
Our names are special and unique to us all. The children created their name using crepe paper. Well done Senior Infants!
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Junior Infants went to the shop with 2nd Class. The children were all so well behaved and got an ice-cream as a special treat. Many thanks to McGrane's XL for accommodating us!
Junior Infants went to the shop with 2nd Class. The children were all so well behaved and got an ice-cream as a special treat. Many thanks to McGrane's XL for accommodating us!
May Altar
April 2022
The Orchard
The Last Supper
We celebrated 'World Autism Awareness' month and all of our wonderful children.
Rang a Sé
Confirmation Art
6th Class children have created fabulous stained glass windows in preparation for their Confirmation Day.
6th Class children have created fabulous stained glass windows in preparation for their Confirmation Day.
Rang a Cúig
Exciting Experiment
5th Class carried out a science experiment causing an EXPLOSION in teams. They had such fun!
5th Class carried out a science experiment causing an EXPLOSION in teams. They had such fun!
Procedural Writing
Projects on France
Claude Monet
5th Class were inspired by Claude Monets Garden and created their own amazing pieces.
5th Class were inspired by Claude Monets Garden and created their own amazing pieces.
Rang a Ceathair
Stations of the Cross
Our wonderful 4th Class children were so helpful and bought the amazing Junior Infant children to the church to look at the stations of the cross. They all went to the shop for an Easter treat! They had a great time!
Our wonderful 4th Class children were so helpful and bought the amazing Junior Infant children to the church to look at the stations of the cross. They all went to the shop for an Easter treat! They had a great time!
The boys and girls were studying Japan and were inspired to produced this stunning Cherry Blossom art work.
The boys and girls were studying Japan and were inspired to produced this stunning Cherry Blossom art work.
Novel Work
4th Class children have read 'The Butterfly Lion' and 'The Yuckee Prince' and they have carried out some work on the novels. The really enjoyed creating their own front covers and working on character profiles.
4th Class children have read 'The Butterfly Lion' and 'The Yuckee Prince' and they have carried out some work on the novels. The really enjoyed creating their own front covers and working on character profiles.
Science Blast
The boys and girls took part in the RDS Science Blast. They posed the question 'Does being active in the morning help improve your mental maths results?' The children worked together while carrying out the experiment. The had to present their findings to the judge via Zoom. The did an amazing job and got excellent feedback!
The boys and girls took part in the RDS Science Blast. They posed the question 'Does being active in the morning help improve your mental maths results?' The children worked together while carrying out the experiment. The had to present their findings to the judge via Zoom. The did an amazing job and got excellent feedback!