School Noticeboard
Amber Flag
We are delighted to announce that our school has been awarded the Amber Flag. Our committee has worked hard throughout the year organising Cash for Clobber, donating to Pieta House and more. We held a ceremony to raise the flag and acknowledge all their hard work.
We are delighted to announce that our school has been awarded the Amber Flag. Our committee has worked hard throughout the year organising Cash for Clobber, donating to Pieta House and more. We held a ceremony to raise the flag and acknowledge all their hard work.
Religious Ceremonies
On Saturday 25th May we celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation for our 6th Class children in the Church of the Assumption. It was a fabulous ceremony led by Fr. Paul and Bishop Michael. The children were all so well prepared thanks to their teachers Ms Moore, Mrs Quinn and Ms Clements. The music was led by Ms Victory and Mr Mc Evoy and our choir all sang so beautifully. After the ceremony, there were light refreshments back in the school where the parents of 5th Class and the Parent's Council provided all the goodies. We would like to extend a massive thank you to all involved.
On Saturday 27th April our children in 2nd Class made their First Holy Communion. The ceremony was led by Fr. Paul and it was a very special day for the children, their families and our school community. The children were so well prepared by their teacher Mr McEvoy. The choir was led by Mrs Victory and Mr McEvoy and the choir sounded amazing. We would like to thank the parents of 1st Class and the Parent's Council for once again preparing the reception back in the school. It was truly a fabulous day.
On Saturday 25th May we celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation for our 6th Class children in the Church of the Assumption. It was a fabulous ceremony led by Fr. Paul and Bishop Michael. The children were all so well prepared thanks to their teachers Ms Moore, Mrs Quinn and Ms Clements. The music was led by Ms Victory and Mr Mc Evoy and our choir all sang so beautifully. After the ceremony, there were light refreshments back in the school where the parents of 5th Class and the Parent's Council provided all the goodies. We would like to extend a massive thank you to all involved.
On Saturday 27th April our children in 2nd Class made their First Holy Communion. The ceremony was led by Fr. Paul and it was a very special day for the children, their families and our school community. The children were so well prepared by their teacher Mr McEvoy. The choir was led by Mrs Victory and Mr McEvoy and the choir sounded amazing. We would like to thank the parents of 1st Class and the Parent's Council for once again preparing the reception back in the school. It was truly a fabulous day.
Gaeltacht 2024
On Monday 13th May some of our boys and girls from 5th Class and 6th Class headed off to the Gaeltacht in Rann na Feiriste, Donegal. The Gaeltacht always proves to be a worthwhile trip for our students and a fantastic opportunity to immerse themselves in the Irish language.
On Monday 13th May some of our boys and girls from 5th Class and 6th Class headed off to the Gaeltacht in Rann na Feiriste, Donegal. The Gaeltacht always proves to be a worthwhile trip for our students and a fantastic opportunity to immerse themselves in the Irish language.
The Rosary
As May is the Month of our Lady, we are saying the Rosary in the hall every morning. It is a lovely way to start the day and to meet up as a whole school. Many thanks to Ms Nic Giolla Rua for leading the rosary.
As May is the Month of our Lady, we are saying the Rosary in the hall every morning. It is a lovely way to start the day and to meet up as a whole school. Many thanks to Ms Nic Giolla Rua for leading the rosary.
Student's Council
Our Student's Council have been working very hard to implement positive changes around our school. They have looked at our Healthy Eating policy and are going to make some changes to ensure our lunches are healthy. They have also presented their findings of lunch box checks to the school at an assembly and the importance of consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables daily.
Our Student's Council have been working very hard to implement positive changes around our school. They have looked at our Healthy Eating policy and are going to make some changes to ensure our lunches are healthy. They have also presented their findings of lunch box checks to the school at an assembly and the importance of consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables daily.
Gaeltacht 2022
On Monday 9th May 38 children from our 5th and 6th classes headed off to the Gaeltacht in Rann na Feiriste, Donegal. There was great excitement as they headed off on the bus from school for their 4 nights in Donegal. If previous trips are anything to go by, they will have a fantastic week.
On Monday 9th May 38 children from our 5th and 6th classes headed off to the Gaeltacht in Rann na Feiriste, Donegal. There was great excitement as they headed off on the bus from school for their 4 nights in Donegal. If previous trips are anything to go by, they will have a fantastic week.
Religious Ceremonies
On Saturday 7th May we celebrated First Holy Communion with the children in 2nd class. The children were all very well prepared by their teacher, Mr. McEvoy with the help of Michelle. Fr. Paul celebrated a beautiful Mass and the choir conducted by Mrs. Victory sang their hearts out. After the ceremony, we returned to the school where there was a lovely reception laid out with tea and cakes provided and served by the Parent's Council and the parents of the children in 1st class. What a wonderful day it was!
On Saturday 21st May we look forward to celebrating Confirmation with our 6th class pupils.
On Saturday 7th May we celebrated First Holy Communion with the children in 2nd class. The children were all very well prepared by their teacher, Mr. McEvoy with the help of Michelle. Fr. Paul celebrated a beautiful Mass and the choir conducted by Mrs. Victory sang their hearts out. After the ceremony, we returned to the school where there was a lovely reception laid out with tea and cakes provided and served by the Parent's Council and the parents of the children in 1st class. What a wonderful day it was!
On Saturday 21st May we look forward to celebrating Confirmation with our 6th class pupils.
Catholic Schools Week 2022
This week is Catholic Schools Week and as a Catholic School, we will celebrate it with the children in class. The theme of Catholic Schools Week this year is 'Living Life to the Full'.
On Monday we celebrate living life to the full with God when we celebrate our uniqueness and how we can use our talents to make the world a better place.
On Tuesday, we are asked to think about how to live life to the full as a Catholic school where our golden rule is to treat others as you would like them to treat you.
On Wednesday, we think about our school as a community of love and we try to show that love in kind words, kind thoughts and kind actions. This day we also think of our Grandparents and their love for us in a special way.
On Thursday, we celebrate living our lives in wonder and awe of the beauty of creation around us. We are responsible for how we take care of that creation in order to make the world a better place for all to live in.
On Friday, we are asked to think about how we can live our lives to the full in the future beyond this Covid Pandemic. We look forward to the future with the hope and joy of the resurrection.
Usually we would all go to Mass together as a school on Wednesday of Catholic Schools Week but this is not possible again this year.
Our other very special event is usually Grandparents Day which is hosted by 2nd Class. This, we hope we may be able to do closer to the Summer, should things go in the expected direction.
December 2021
We are now in the season of Advent, the 4 weeks running up to Christmas. Our Advent wreath is on display in the hall and each week we will light an extra candle on the wreath. We have lit the first purple candle this week, the second one will be lit next week, followed by the pink candle and then the last purple one. The white candle in the centre represents the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day. This one will be lit in all our churches on Christmas Eve night and over the Christmas season.
Although restrictions are still in place, we aim to make the run up to Christmas no less special for the children in our care. The infant classes are putting together little plays and the other classes are doing some Christmas songs. These, we will film, as we did last year and send them home to you for you to enjoy with your children.
Santa will also make his annual visit to school and each class will get to come up individually and meet him and receive their small gift from him.
We are endeavouring to keep the yard time as normal as possible for children also. However, we have all had to move onto the tarmac as the fields are just too mucky. We are continuing to make great use of Peter's Path also. It has been a wonderful addition to our school. For those parents who are new to the school this year and may not know Peter, he was our much loved caretaker for over 30 years and only retired last October. he also celebrates his 80th birthday on 4th December so if you see him out and about, you might like to wish him a Happy Birthday!
Many thanks to our parents Council who continue to work hard for your children. They have been instrumental in getting our new ramps on either side of our school, making things much safer for children crossing the road. It has taken a lot of hard work on their part to secure these and we are very grateful to them.
November 2020
Welcome back to school after our midterm break! It was a well deserved rest for everyone after a very busy first half term, not to mention the rather frenetic lead up to it! I have been a bit remiss in putting up anything on the noticeboard over the last months as we have done so much communication re other media over lockdown and since our return. I would like to thank everyone for their wonderful help and co-operation over the last months since COVID 19 changed our world. The parents council have been a great help, the BoM have been a great support and the staff have been remarkable in very difficult circumstances making the school a safe and happy place for your children to be.
We are now into the month of November, a month when we remember those who are no longer with us. A lot of the teachers are doing work with their classes on remembering our loved ones under the title of "In November We Remember". This is always a special way for the children to talk about special people they remember who touched their lives.
Before Halloween our wonderful caretaker, Peter retired. Peter was with us since 1986 and he is just an amazing man in every way! The children have put together a lovely memory book for him of his time with us and of all their special memories of him. We had planned to have a small retirement ceremony for him before Halloween but Level 5 restrictions prevented that. We plan to do it at a later stage. We are delighted, also, with our new caretaker, Alan, who is doing a wonderful job.
We also said goodbye to Ms Geraghty this year as she moved back to the West of Ireland. She is a wonderful teacher and is missed by all of us in school. We wish her all the very best in the future. we hope to make a presentation to her at a later date also to mark her years with us.
Christmas will be upon us before we know it. Unfortunately, this year, with restrictions, we will not be able to do our Carol Service, but each class will hopefully do some Christmas song which they can perform for each other via zoom. We may even get it recorded and uploaded for you to see. We will do our best to make this Christmas in school as special as we can for the children despite restrictions.
Catholic Schools Week 2022
This week is Catholic Schools Week and as a Catholic School, we will celebrate it with the children in class. The theme of Catholic Schools Week this year is 'Living Life to the Full'.
On Monday we celebrate living life to the full with God when we celebrate our uniqueness and how we can use our talents to make the world a better place.
On Tuesday, we are asked to think about how to live life to the full as a Catholic school where our golden rule is to treat others as you would like them to treat you.
On Wednesday, we think about our school as a community of love and we try to show that love in kind words, kind thoughts and kind actions. This day we also think of our Grandparents and their love for us in a special way.
On Thursday, we celebrate living our lives in wonder and awe of the beauty of creation around us. We are responsible for how we take care of that creation in order to make the world a better place for all to live in.
On Friday, we are asked to think about how we can live our lives to the full in the future beyond this Covid Pandemic. We look forward to the future with the hope and joy of the resurrection.
Usually we would all go to Mass together as a school on Wednesday of Catholic Schools Week but this is not possible again this year.
Our other very special event is usually Grandparents Day which is hosted by 2nd Class. This, we hope we may be able to do closer to the Summer, should things go in the expected direction.
December 2021
We are now in the season of Advent, the 4 weeks running up to Christmas. Our Advent wreath is on display in the hall and each week we will light an extra candle on the wreath. We have lit the first purple candle this week, the second one will be lit next week, followed by the pink candle and then the last purple one. The white candle in the centre represents the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day. This one will be lit in all our churches on Christmas Eve night and over the Christmas season.
Although restrictions are still in place, we aim to make the run up to Christmas no less special for the children in our care. The infant classes are putting together little plays and the other classes are doing some Christmas songs. These, we will film, as we did last year and send them home to you for you to enjoy with your children.
Santa will also make his annual visit to school and each class will get to come up individually and meet him and receive their small gift from him.
We are endeavouring to keep the yard time as normal as possible for children also. However, we have all had to move onto the tarmac as the fields are just too mucky. We are continuing to make great use of Peter's Path also. It has been a wonderful addition to our school. For those parents who are new to the school this year and may not know Peter, he was our much loved caretaker for over 30 years and only retired last October. he also celebrates his 80th birthday on 4th December so if you see him out and about, you might like to wish him a Happy Birthday!
Many thanks to our parents Council who continue to work hard for your children. They have been instrumental in getting our new ramps on either side of our school, making things much safer for children crossing the road. It has taken a lot of hard work on their part to secure these and we are very grateful to them.
November 2020
Welcome back to school after our midterm break! It was a well deserved rest for everyone after a very busy first half term, not to mention the rather frenetic lead up to it! I have been a bit remiss in putting up anything on the noticeboard over the last months as we have done so much communication re other media over lockdown and since our return. I would like to thank everyone for their wonderful help and co-operation over the last months since COVID 19 changed our world. The parents council have been a great help, the BoM have been a great support and the staff have been remarkable in very difficult circumstances making the school a safe and happy place for your children to be.
We are now into the month of November, a month when we remember those who are no longer with us. A lot of the teachers are doing work with their classes on remembering our loved ones under the title of "In November We Remember". This is always a special way for the children to talk about special people they remember who touched their lives.
Before Halloween our wonderful caretaker, Peter retired. Peter was with us since 1986 and he is just an amazing man in every way! The children have put together a lovely memory book for him of his time with us and of all their special memories of him. We had planned to have a small retirement ceremony for him before Halloween but Level 5 restrictions prevented that. We plan to do it at a later stage. We are delighted, also, with our new caretaker, Alan, who is doing a wonderful job.
We also said goodbye to Ms Geraghty this year as she moved back to the West of Ireland. She is a wonderful teacher and is missed by all of us in school. We wish her all the very best in the future. we hope to make a presentation to her at a later date also to mark her years with us.
Christmas will be upon us before we know it. Unfortunately, this year, with restrictions, we will not be able to do our Carol Service, but each class will hopefully do some Christmas song which they can perform for each other via zoom. We may even get it recorded and uploaded for you to see. We will do our best to make this Christmas in school as special as we can for the children despite restrictions.
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Well done to our Under 13 Quiz team who won the first round of the Credit Union Quiz, which took place on Monday February 3rd in Scoil Naomh Feicin. They will now progress to the second round which takes place in Castleblaney on Sunday 1st of March. We wish them luck.
Peace Proms
Well done to our school choir who performed at the Peace Proms in the RDS last Sunday, 3rd February along with the Cross Border orchestra and over 2000 children from other schools. The sound was wonderful!
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week ran from 27th January to 2nd February. This year the theme was Celebrating the work of our Catholic Schools. Each class had a programme they followed during the week and we went to Mass as a whole school on the Wednesday. Wednesday was also a very special day for 2nd class as they welcomed their grandparents to school in the afternoon as we celebrated Grandparents Day. Ms Nic Giolla Rua and her class did great work preparing for the day and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Mr Reilly's 6th class made a lovely Welcome to Our Church sign for the Church of the Assumption up the road. It will remain there as a sign of welcome to all that visit.
Sacramental Enrolments
Congratulations to all our 2nd class children who enrolled for First penance and First Holy Communion at 9:30am Mass on 11th November. They were well prepared by their teacher and sang beautifully. We wish them and their teacher well as they continue their preparation in the coming months.
We also wish the very busy to our 6th class pupils who will enrol for Confirmation on Sunday 18th November also at 9:30am Mass.
Sacraments 2019
We have the dates for the Sacraments for the coming year. They are as follows:
First Penance:Wednesday 13th March 2019
First Communion: Saturday 18th May 2019
Confirmation: Saturday 25th May 2019
Welcome Back!
You are all very welcome back to school for the start of our school year 2018-19. We especially welcome all our new pupils and families and our new members of staff. We hope you will be very happy here in our school.
Just a few dates for your diaries as we start the year:
Parent Teacher Meetings for 1st -6th classes will be the week of 19th November.
Christmas Carol Service Wed 19th December.
After School Clubs
This year, once again, we have a range of after school school clubs available. These are all run by teachers in our school.
Monday: Active Club with Mr. Reilly
Tuesday: Guitar and bodhrán with Ms. Geraghty and Ms. Moore
Arts and Crafts with Mr. McEvoy
Wednesday: Lego Club with Ms. Butterly
Thursday: Drama with Mrs. Lynch
School Re-opening
School re-opens on 29th August for all pupils. Junior Infants finish at 12pm on that day only. All other pupil are in for a full day. We hope you had a wonderful Summer and look forward to seeing you all on the 29th!
Bake Sale
On Friday 1st June we are holding a bake sale and coffee morning for charity. The two charities involved are Providence School, Shillong, India and Special Olympics. In line with our Global Citizenship Green Flag, this is a local and global effort for those less well of than ourselves. We kick off at 10am when all are invited in for a coffee morning. The children in the school can come in later to buy buns and cakes for themselves and in the afternoon we will raise our green flag. This year it will be raised by Dorothy and Susan Arnold who embody the idea of citizenship on their daily walks as they pick up litter in the local area.
Congratulations to our 2nd and 6th class pupils who made their Communion and Confirmation on the 19th and 26th May respectively. They were blessed with two beautiful days. The children were very well prepared for both ceremonies by their teachers and the choir sang so beautifully also. Well done to all involved.
Gaeltacht Trip
Some of our 5th class children had a wonderful trip to the Gaeltacht in Rann na Feiriste in Donegal from Mon 21st may to Fri 25th May. Their teacher, Mr. McEvoy, travelled with them. They met up with other schools there and had a wonderful time. They were also blessed with the weather. Have a look at the pictures on the website to see the range of activities they took part in and the fun they had.
School Stars
A huge well done to all our school stars who took part in the School Stars competition in the TLT over the last few weeks. Special well done to our 6 finalists, Daisy, Charles, Kate, Hannah, Saoirse and our duo of Abby and Jayne. They did us proud in a competition of a very high standard. Then, to top it all off, we had the winner of the whole competition in our school in Charles from 4th class! He wowed the audience and judges, who included Louis Walsh, with his performance of 'Somebody to You'. Super well done, Charles!
Open Night
We held another very successful Open Night in our school on 13th February last. The school was a hive of activity preparing for the event and all classrooms and the school hall looked amazing with fabulous displays of the children's work to be seen. Children from infants to 6th class proudly showed off their work to their parents and grandparents and the atmosphere was wonderful. We also welcomed many new families who came to see our school for the first time and we look forward to working with them in the future. As ever, thanks are due to our Parents Council members who manned the tea, coffee and cakes distribution. Their help and support does not go unnoticed. Thank you, also, to all the parents who provided the beautiful array of cakes and buns enjoyed on the night.
Five Week Draw
Our Parents Council 5 week draw fundraiser has commenced with the first draw on the 23rd February at assembly. If you have not returned your card and would like to be in the draw in future weeks, please return it to Judi in the school office by Thursday 1st March.
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week took place from the 28th January to 3rd February. To open Catholic Schools Week, there was a Family Mass in the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 11am for both schools. We were represented at that Mass by our sacramental classes, 2nd and 6th. We also went to Mass as a school on the Wednesday of the week. Each class had a programme to follow for the week in their own rooms on a daily basis. The theme of the week was Called to be a Family of Families. In other words, we are all called to work together to make the world a better place.
On the Wednesday we also had a lovely Grandparents day celebration with the grandparents of the children in 2nd class coming in to be entertained by their grandchildren. There were prayers said, a poem read and a number of songs sung. There was also a lovely array of goodies provided along with a cup of tea after the event. Well done to 2nd class, Miss Butterly, their teacher and Dolores, their SNA on all the preparations for the event and thank you to the parents who helped out baking, serving and cleaning up afterwards.
Credit Union Quiz
The first round of the Credit Union quiz was held in our school on Monday, 30th January involving teams from our school and Scoil Naomh Feichín. There were 2 competitions: under 11 and under 13. Mr. Campbell, our former principal, was the quizmaster and lots of fun was had as we went through the rounds of the quiz. Scoil Naomh Feichín were victorious at under 11 level and , after a closely fought contest, we were victorious at under 13 level. Both teams now go on to the next round in Carrickmacross in March and we wish them luck.
Child Protection
Due to changes in Chld Protection procedures, the department of Education has instructed all school s to take two half days for meeting to familiarise all staff with the changes and to put new policies in place, all of which needs to be done by an 11th March deadline. Therefore we will close at 12:10pm on Friday 9th and Friday 23rd February. Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this directive.
Well done to our school choir who performed at the Peace Proms in the RDS last Sunday, 3rd February along with the Cross Border orchestra and over 2000 children from other schools. The sound was wonderful!
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week ran from 27th January to 2nd February. This year the theme was Celebrating the work of our Catholic Schools. Each class had a programme they followed during the week and we went to Mass as a whole school on the Wednesday. Wednesday was also a very special day for 2nd class as they welcomed their grandparents to school in the afternoon as we celebrated Grandparents Day. Ms Nic Giolla Rua and her class did great work preparing for the day and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Mr Reilly's 6th class made a lovely Welcome to Our Church sign for the Church of the Assumption up the road. It will remain there as a sign of welcome to all that visit.
Sacramental Enrolments
Congratulations to all our 2nd class children who enrolled for First penance and First Holy Communion at 9:30am Mass on 11th November. They were well prepared by their teacher and sang beautifully. We wish them and their teacher well as they continue their preparation in the coming months.
We also wish the very busy to our 6th class pupils who will enrol for Confirmation on Sunday 18th November also at 9:30am Mass.
Sacraments 2019
We have the dates for the Sacraments for the coming year. They are as follows:
First Penance:Wednesday 13th March 2019
First Communion: Saturday 18th May 2019
Confirmation: Saturday 25th May 2019
Welcome Back!
You are all very welcome back to school for the start of our school year 2018-19. We especially welcome all our new pupils and families and our new members of staff. We hope you will be very happy here in our school.
Just a few dates for your diaries as we start the year:
Parent Teacher Meetings for 1st -6th classes will be the week of 19th November.
Christmas Carol Service Wed 19th December.
After School Clubs
This year, once again, we have a range of after school school clubs available. These are all run by teachers in our school.
Monday: Active Club with Mr. Reilly
Tuesday: Guitar and bodhrán with Ms. Geraghty and Ms. Moore
Arts and Crafts with Mr. McEvoy
Wednesday: Lego Club with Ms. Butterly
Thursday: Drama with Mrs. Lynch
School Re-opening
School re-opens on 29th August for all pupils. Junior Infants finish at 12pm on that day only. All other pupil are in for a full day. We hope you had a wonderful Summer and look forward to seeing you all on the 29th!
Bake Sale
On Friday 1st June we are holding a bake sale and coffee morning for charity. The two charities involved are Providence School, Shillong, India and Special Olympics. In line with our Global Citizenship Green Flag, this is a local and global effort for those less well of than ourselves. We kick off at 10am when all are invited in for a coffee morning. The children in the school can come in later to buy buns and cakes for themselves and in the afternoon we will raise our green flag. This year it will be raised by Dorothy and Susan Arnold who embody the idea of citizenship on their daily walks as they pick up litter in the local area.
Congratulations to our 2nd and 6th class pupils who made their Communion and Confirmation on the 19th and 26th May respectively. They were blessed with two beautiful days. The children were very well prepared for both ceremonies by their teachers and the choir sang so beautifully also. Well done to all involved.
Gaeltacht Trip
Some of our 5th class children had a wonderful trip to the Gaeltacht in Rann na Feiriste in Donegal from Mon 21st may to Fri 25th May. Their teacher, Mr. McEvoy, travelled with them. They met up with other schools there and had a wonderful time. They were also blessed with the weather. Have a look at the pictures on the website to see the range of activities they took part in and the fun they had.
School Stars
A huge well done to all our school stars who took part in the School Stars competition in the TLT over the last few weeks. Special well done to our 6 finalists, Daisy, Charles, Kate, Hannah, Saoirse and our duo of Abby and Jayne. They did us proud in a competition of a very high standard. Then, to top it all off, we had the winner of the whole competition in our school in Charles from 4th class! He wowed the audience and judges, who included Louis Walsh, with his performance of 'Somebody to You'. Super well done, Charles!
Open Night
We held another very successful Open Night in our school on 13th February last. The school was a hive of activity preparing for the event and all classrooms and the school hall looked amazing with fabulous displays of the children's work to be seen. Children from infants to 6th class proudly showed off their work to their parents and grandparents and the atmosphere was wonderful. We also welcomed many new families who came to see our school for the first time and we look forward to working with them in the future. As ever, thanks are due to our Parents Council members who manned the tea, coffee and cakes distribution. Their help and support does not go unnoticed. Thank you, also, to all the parents who provided the beautiful array of cakes and buns enjoyed on the night.
Five Week Draw
Our Parents Council 5 week draw fundraiser has commenced with the first draw on the 23rd February at assembly. If you have not returned your card and would like to be in the draw in future weeks, please return it to Judi in the school office by Thursday 1st March.
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week took place from the 28th January to 3rd February. To open Catholic Schools Week, there was a Family Mass in the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 11am for both schools. We were represented at that Mass by our sacramental classes, 2nd and 6th. We also went to Mass as a school on the Wednesday of the week. Each class had a programme to follow for the week in their own rooms on a daily basis. The theme of the week was Called to be a Family of Families. In other words, we are all called to work together to make the world a better place.
On the Wednesday we also had a lovely Grandparents day celebration with the grandparents of the children in 2nd class coming in to be entertained by their grandchildren. There were prayers said, a poem read and a number of songs sung. There was also a lovely array of goodies provided along with a cup of tea after the event. Well done to 2nd class, Miss Butterly, their teacher and Dolores, their SNA on all the preparations for the event and thank you to the parents who helped out baking, serving and cleaning up afterwards.
Credit Union Quiz
The first round of the Credit Union quiz was held in our school on Monday, 30th January involving teams from our school and Scoil Naomh Feichín. There were 2 competitions: under 11 and under 13. Mr. Campbell, our former principal, was the quizmaster and lots of fun was had as we went through the rounds of the quiz. Scoil Naomh Feichín were victorious at under 11 level and , after a closely fought contest, we were victorious at under 13 level. Both teams now go on to the next round in Carrickmacross in March and we wish them luck.
Child Protection
Due to changes in Chld Protection procedures, the department of Education has instructed all school s to take two half days for meeting to familiarise all staff with the changes and to put new policies in place, all of which needs to be done by an 11th March deadline. Therefore we will close at 12:10pm on Friday 9th and Friday 23rd February. Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this directive.
Welcome Back and Happy 2018!
Welcome back to all our staff, pupils and their families to a new calendar year and the 2nd term of our school year 2017-2018. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and that the new year has started well for you.
Enrolment is now invited for all children planning to start in our school in September 2018. Please call in to Judi in the office for an enrolment form or you may download it from this website. You may also collect one on our Open Day on 13th February which you are invited to attend.
There are a few special dates to remind you of this term:
Catholic Schools Week 28th Jan - 4th Feb.
Pledge Sunday Mass for 6th class, Sun 11th Feb.
Open Day Tues 13th February.
Mid Term 15th &16th February.
Bank Holiday Mon 19th March.
First Penance for 2nd Wed 21st March.
Family Mass for Sacramental Classes
Fr Duffy is planning to have 3 Family Masses between now and Easter which 2nd and 6th class pupils and their parents are asked to attend as part of the sacramental preparation. The provisional dates for these are 28th January, 25th February and 25th March. These Masses will be at 11am in the Church of the Assumption in Termonfeckin and are for both schools.
A letter will follow to all families involved confirming the above dates.
Welcome back to all our staff, pupils and their families to a new calendar year and the 2nd term of our school year 2017-2018. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and that the new year has started well for you.
Enrolment is now invited for all children planning to start in our school in September 2018. Please call in to Judi in the office for an enrolment form or you may download it from this website. You may also collect one on our Open Day on 13th February which you are invited to attend.
There are a few special dates to remind you of this term:
Catholic Schools Week 28th Jan - 4th Feb.
Pledge Sunday Mass for 6th class, Sun 11th Feb.
Open Day Tues 13th February.
Mid Term 15th &16th February.
Bank Holiday Mon 19th March.
First Penance for 2nd Wed 21st March.
Family Mass for Sacramental Classes
Fr Duffy is planning to have 3 Family Masses between now and Easter which 2nd and 6th class pupils and their parents are asked to attend as part of the sacramental preparation. The provisional dates for these are 28th January, 25th February and 25th March. These Masses will be at 11am in the Church of the Assumption in Termonfeckin and are for both schools.
A letter will follow to all families involved confirming the above dates.
Happy Christmas and New Year!
Well done to all staff and pupils on another amazing Christmas Show. It gets better every year! Thank you, also, to all those who worked behind the scenes to make both nights so successful. All money raised will go to school funds. Wishing all staff, pupils and their families a Happy and a Holy Christmas and may 2018 be a good year for all. School re-opens on the 8th January 2018. Looking forward to seeing you all then.
Well done to all staff and pupils on another amazing Christmas Show. It gets better every year! Thank you, also, to all those who worked behind the scenes to make both nights so successful. All money raised will go to school funds. Wishing all staff, pupils and their families a Happy and a Holy Christmas and may 2018 be a good year for all. School re-opens on the 8th January 2018. Looking forward to seeing you all then.
School Closure
Due to a severe weather alert, the Department of Education has directed that all schools remain closed tomorrow, Monday 16th October. Therefore we will see you all on Tuesday. Keep safe!
Latest update from the Department of Education is that all schools must remain closed on Tuesday 17th October also. See you on Wednesday. Book Fair open first thing on Wednesday morning also.
More Dates for your Diaries.
Enrolment for First Confession and First Holy Communion: Sun 22nd Oct @ 9:30am
Enrolment for Confirmation: Sun 26th Nov @ 9:30am
First Confession: Wed 21st March @ 7:30pm
First Communion: Sat 19th May@ 11am
Confirmation: Sat 26th May @11am
Reminder: Christmas Concert 19th & 20th Dec.
Well done to our girls and boys football teams who played so well in the recent blitz. We were very proud of them. The boys lost out on a second round place by one point and the girls are through to the next round having won all their matches. We wish them the best of luck in the next stage. Thank you to the teachers who took care of them and to the parents who gave lifts once again.
Enrolment for First Confession and First Holy Communion: Sun 22nd Oct @ 9:30am
Enrolment for Confirmation: Sun 26th Nov @ 9:30am
First Confession: Wed 21st March @ 7:30pm
First Communion: Sat 19th May@ 11am
Confirmation: Sat 26th May @11am
Reminder: Christmas Concert 19th & 20th Dec.
Well done to our girls and boys football teams who played so well in the recent blitz. We were very proud of them. The boys lost out on a second round place by one point and the girls are through to the next round having won all their matches. We wish them the best of luck in the next stage. Thank you to the teachers who took care of them and to the parents who gave lifts once again.
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to school after what we hope has been a lovely Summer holiday for you all. We are back in full swing as of 30/08/2017 at our new opening time of 9am.
Special welcome to all our new infants and other new children up through the school. We hope you will all be very happy with us.
Just a couple of early dates for your diaries: Parent Teacher meetings for 1st-6th classes will take place during the week before Halloween break.
Christmas Concert dates 19th & 20th December.
We are looking forward to a great year ahead!
Welcome back to school after what we hope has been a lovely Summer holiday for you all. We are back in full swing as of 30/08/2017 at our new opening time of 9am.
Special welcome to all our new infants and other new children up through the school. We hope you will all be very happy with us.
Just a couple of early dates for your diaries: Parent Teacher meetings for 1st-6th classes will take place during the week before Halloween break.
Christmas Concert dates 19th & 20th December.
We are looking forward to a great year ahead!
Scoil Mhuire gan Smál
Summer Camp
Wednesday 28th June to Tuesday 4th July
More details to follow
Summer Camp
Wednesday 28th June to Tuesday 4th July
More details to follow
Congratulations to 2nd and 6th classes who received the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation on the 20th and 27th May respectively.
Both classes were extremely well prepared by their teachers, Ms Butterly, Ms Geraghty and Ms Nic Giolla Rua. The school choir sang beautifully at both events and the ceremonies were very special. Our ever helpful, parents association together with parents from 1st and 5th classes provided delicious refreshments in the school afterwards. Thank you to them.
Congratulations to 2nd and 6th classes who received the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation on the 20th and 27th May respectively.
Both classes were extremely well prepared by their teachers, Ms Butterly, Ms Geraghty and Ms Nic Giolla Rua. The school choir sang beautifully at both events and the ceremonies were very special. Our ever helpful, parents association together with parents from 1st and 5th classes provided delicious refreshments in the school afterwards. Thank you to them.
A Few Updates
Well done for great effort from both our girls and boys football teams. Unfortunately, we did not make it to the county final this time but we have two great teams and we have high hopes for the Spring league!
Congratulations to all our 2nd class pupils who enrolled for their First Penance and First Holy Communion at 9:30am Mass in the Church of the Assumption on Sunday, 23rd October.
We will have a fundraiser dress up day on Friday, 28th October. Children may come in dressed up but they must make a minimum donation of 2 euro to do so! This fundraiser is for 2 of our past pupils, Lisa Nolan and Maria O' Donohoe, who are travelling to Vietnam next April to spend some time with the Christina Noble Foundation. There, they plan to spend the money raised to buy bikes for poor children who have long distances to travel to school. But for these bikes, they may not get to school. Please give generously.
Also on Friday, we will raise our 5th Green Flag for Biodiversity at 11am. All who are free are welcome to attend. There will be a cuppa in the hall afterwards for those who would like to join us.
We wish all the very best of luck to Mrs McGuinness who will finish on Friday for her maternity leave. We hope all goes well for her and we will keep you posted when her little bundle of joy arrives!
Well done for great effort from both our girls and boys football teams. Unfortunately, we did not make it to the county final this time but we have two great teams and we have high hopes for the Spring league!
Congratulations to all our 2nd class pupils who enrolled for their First Penance and First Holy Communion at 9:30am Mass in the Church of the Assumption on Sunday, 23rd October.
We will have a fundraiser dress up day on Friday, 28th October. Children may come in dressed up but they must make a minimum donation of 2 euro to do so! This fundraiser is for 2 of our past pupils, Lisa Nolan and Maria O' Donohoe, who are travelling to Vietnam next April to spend some time with the Christina Noble Foundation. There, they plan to spend the money raised to buy bikes for poor children who have long distances to travel to school. But for these bikes, they may not get to school. Please give generously.
Also on Friday, we will raise our 5th Green Flag for Biodiversity at 11am. All who are free are welcome to attend. There will be a cuppa in the hall afterwards for those who would like to join us.
We wish all the very best of luck to Mrs McGuinness who will finish on Friday for her maternity leave. We hope all goes well for her and we will keep you posted when her little bundle of joy arrives!
60 Years at Cartown
Preparations are under way for our celebration of 60 years of our school in its present location. This celebration will take place on the 17th June commencing at 11am with a Mass in the Church of the Assumption celebrated by Archbishop Eamon Martin. This will be followed by a reception in school where light refreshments will be served. We will have old roll books and pictures down through the years on display and our original classroom at the front of the school will be set up like a classroom in the 50's.
As part of our preparations for the day, we had a gathering in the school on Saturday 28th May of as many of the class of 1956 as we could contact. These contacts were made by Michael Mooney, a grandad in our school and one of the class of 1956. There was a great turnout on the day and we recreated the photo taken of them 60 years ago in the front classroom. We then had tea and cake and the atmosphere was so lovely on the day. Many of these people plan to come along again on the 17th June.
All those with connections to the school over the last 60 years are invited to attend.
Well Done to Our Chess Team
Well done to this year's chess team who came second in the local chess league. They were presented with their plaques at a ceremony in the Boyne Valley Hotel on the 31st May.
Boy's Football
Well done to our boys team who have reached the semi final in the schools league. They will play Tullyallen on 2nd June. We wish them the very best of luck.
Preparations are under way for our celebration of 60 years of our school in its present location. This celebration will take place on the 17th June commencing at 11am with a Mass in the Church of the Assumption celebrated by Archbishop Eamon Martin. This will be followed by a reception in school where light refreshments will be served. We will have old roll books and pictures down through the years on display and our original classroom at the front of the school will be set up like a classroom in the 50's.
As part of our preparations for the day, we had a gathering in the school on Saturday 28th May of as many of the class of 1956 as we could contact. These contacts were made by Michael Mooney, a grandad in our school and one of the class of 1956. There was a great turnout on the day and we recreated the photo taken of them 60 years ago in the front classroom. We then had tea and cake and the atmosphere was so lovely on the day. Many of these people plan to come along again on the 17th June.
All those with connections to the school over the last 60 years are invited to attend.
Well Done to Our Chess Team
Well done to this year's chess team who came second in the local chess league. They were presented with their plaques at a ceremony in the Boyne Valley Hotel on the 31st May.
Boy's Football
Well done to our boys team who have reached the semi final in the schools league. They will play Tullyallen on 2nd June. We wish them the very best of luck.
Term 3 Notices
Welcome back to school for our last term of the school year. Where has the year gone? I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and are ready for a busy last term. There are a few items that deserve mention here from last term.
Flag Raising and Lá Gaeilge
The last week of term 2 saw the raising of our national flag. This was a lovely ceremony and a number of parents and other people connectd to the school attended. As ever, the students were very well prepared and behaved so well on the day.
This was followed by Lá Gaeilge celebrations in the hall. Each class performed a prepared piece and then we had visits from the Corrigan White School of Dance and the Sandpit Set Dancers. The event was co-ordinated by Mrs. Griffin and all ran very smoothly.
Dates for Your Diary
On the 30th April, 6th class will be confirmed in the Church of the Immaculate Conception along with 6th class from Scoil Naomh Feichín. This is always a special occasion for the families and many thanks to Ms. Geraghty for her hard work in preparing the children for the day. After the ceremony there will be a reception in the school which will be organized by our Parents Association in conjunction with the parents of 5th class pupils.
School will be closed on the 2nd and 3rd of May and will re-open on the 4th when the photographer will be in to take Confirmation photographs.
The HSE will be in on the 6th May for vaccinations with junior infant children.
We will have a performance from Clan Cluan Theatre Company in the school on the afternoon of the 18th May.
On the 21st May our 2nd class pupils will make their First Holy Communion in the Church of the Assumption at 11am. They have been very well prepared by their teachers Mr. Reilly and Ms. Mc Keown. They will also have a reception in the school afterwards organized by our Parents Association and parents of 1st class pupils.
We have a very special day on the 17th June when we will celebrate 60 years of our school in its current location. More details to follow.
Welcome back to school for our last term of the school year. Where has the year gone? I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and are ready for a busy last term. There are a few items that deserve mention here from last term.
Flag Raising and Lá Gaeilge
The last week of term 2 saw the raising of our national flag. This was a lovely ceremony and a number of parents and other people connectd to the school attended. As ever, the students were very well prepared and behaved so well on the day.
This was followed by Lá Gaeilge celebrations in the hall. Each class performed a prepared piece and then we had visits from the Corrigan White School of Dance and the Sandpit Set Dancers. The event was co-ordinated by Mrs. Griffin and all ran very smoothly.
Dates for Your Diary
On the 30th April, 6th class will be confirmed in the Church of the Immaculate Conception along with 6th class from Scoil Naomh Feichín. This is always a special occasion for the families and many thanks to Ms. Geraghty for her hard work in preparing the children for the day. After the ceremony there will be a reception in the school which will be organized by our Parents Association in conjunction with the parents of 5th class pupils.
School will be closed on the 2nd and 3rd of May and will re-open on the 4th when the photographer will be in to take Confirmation photographs.
The HSE will be in on the 6th May for vaccinations with junior infant children.
We will have a performance from Clan Cluan Theatre Company in the school on the afternoon of the 18th May.
On the 21st May our 2nd class pupils will make their First Holy Communion in the Church of the Assumption at 11am. They have been very well prepared by their teachers Mr. Reilly and Ms. Mc Keown. They will also have a reception in the school afterwards organized by our Parents Association and parents of 1st class pupils.
We have a very special day on the 17th June when we will celebrate 60 years of our school in its current location. More details to follow.
Credit Union Quiz
Well done to our under 11 team from 4th class who made it to the second round of the Credit Union Quiz in Carrickmacross last Sunday. They did very well, coming 9th out of nearly 30 schools. Thanks, also, to Mr. Lenihan, who was there to support them on the day.
First Penance
Congratulations to our 2nd class children who made their First Penance on Wednesday 24th February. They were all extremely well prepared by Mr. Reilly and everything ran very smoothly on the night. It was a lovely ceremony, led by Fr. Aidan with the assistance of Fr Seán Quinn and Fr Derek O'Connell. Ms. Geraghty and the school choir were also in attendance which added so much to the celebration.
Tennis & Samba
Tennis is ongoing in the hall on a Friday and the children are getting great benefit from it. 4th, 5th $ 6th enjoyed 5 weeks of samba under Kieran Gallagher from whom they learned so much. They put on a performance for the younger classes on the last day and it was amazing to see what they had learned.
Open Day
Our open day was a huge success with so many visitors coming to the school on the evening. We had family members of those in the school as well as families hoping to join us in the coming years. The school looked amazing with all the wonderful work of the pupils on the walls and displayed on tables in the classrooms. All teachers were in attendance with their classes and many people commented on the lovely atmosphere in the school. There was also an array of cakes and buns being served in the hall by members of the Parents Association whose help is invaluable to us. Thanks to all who made the occasion such a success.
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week opened with 3rd class and Ms. Nic Giolla Rua & 3rd class children attending 9am Mass to represent our school and to tell everyone about Catholic Schools Week. This year the theme was We are the Face of God's Mercy. During the week the classes had various lessons around the theme. The whole school attended Mass on Wednesday morning at 9:30am. Then, on Friday, 2nd class invited their grandparents in to school and we had a beautiful grandparents afternoon. The children were so well prepared by Mr. Reilly and Ms. McKeown and both children and grandparents had a wonderful time. Once again, parents came up trumps with cakes and buns and those to serve them.
Well done to our under 11 team from 4th class who made it to the second round of the Credit Union Quiz in Carrickmacross last Sunday. They did very well, coming 9th out of nearly 30 schools. Thanks, also, to Mr. Lenihan, who was there to support them on the day.
First Penance
Congratulations to our 2nd class children who made their First Penance on Wednesday 24th February. They were all extremely well prepared by Mr. Reilly and everything ran very smoothly on the night. It was a lovely ceremony, led by Fr. Aidan with the assistance of Fr Seán Quinn and Fr Derek O'Connell. Ms. Geraghty and the school choir were also in attendance which added so much to the celebration.
Tennis & Samba
Tennis is ongoing in the hall on a Friday and the children are getting great benefit from it. 4th, 5th $ 6th enjoyed 5 weeks of samba under Kieran Gallagher from whom they learned so much. They put on a performance for the younger classes on the last day and it was amazing to see what they had learned.
Open Day
Our open day was a huge success with so many visitors coming to the school on the evening. We had family members of those in the school as well as families hoping to join us in the coming years. The school looked amazing with all the wonderful work of the pupils on the walls and displayed on tables in the classrooms. All teachers were in attendance with their classes and many people commented on the lovely atmosphere in the school. There was also an array of cakes and buns being served in the hall by members of the Parents Association whose help is invaluable to us. Thanks to all who made the occasion such a success.
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week opened with 3rd class and Ms. Nic Giolla Rua & 3rd class children attending 9am Mass to represent our school and to tell everyone about Catholic Schools Week. This year the theme was We are the Face of God's Mercy. During the week the classes had various lessons around the theme. The whole school attended Mass on Wednesday morning at 9:30am. Then, on Friday, 2nd class invited their grandparents in to school and we had a beautiful grandparents afternoon. The children were so well prepared by Mr. Reilly and Ms. McKeown and both children and grandparents had a wonderful time. Once again, parents came up trumps with cakes and buns and those to serve them.
Welcome Back to All
A belated welcome back and a Happy New Year to everyone!
Our 2nd term has got off to a very good start and everyone is settled and working well after the "busyness" of December and Christmas concerts. I must congratulate everyone again on their hard work and the fantastic shows that were put on by all classes. Special mention must be made of all the teachers who put so much work and effort in to these plays that were so enjoyed by both the children and the audience. The standard was amazing!
I would also like to commend everyone for their generosity in our appeal for the local conference of the St. Vincent de Paul before Christmas. Over €1000 was raised in the school during our Mad Hair/Christmas Jumper Day. The children of 6th class also got involved in packing hampers for those less fortunate than themselves in our local area.
We began our 2nd term on the 6th Jan with Mass in the Church of the Assumption for the Feast of the Epiphany. It was a lovely mass and the readings and prayer of the faithful were done by the children in 5th class along with their teacher, Mrs. Devlin.
This term we also welcome to our staff, Ms. Mc Keown, who is covering Ms. O' Callaghan's maternity leave. She is settling in well and doing great work with 2nd and 3rd class.
One important date for your diary this term is the 11th February. After the success of last year's OPEN DAY, we plan to have another one on this day. Once more, we invite you all to come and see the wonderful work that is being done with your children in school. We also invite all those who are planning to join us in September next and anyone who may be interested in sending their child to us in the next few years. We will be putting out an appeal for goodies again as the Parents Association will be doing tea and cakes in the hall. We will let you know the details closer to the time.
On Wednesday, 20th January, all children from 4th to 6th will be starting a 6 week course in samba drumming given by Kieran Gallagher of Kadakaboom Arts in Drogheda.
On Friday, 22nd January, Darren is back to do an 8 week course of tennis with all children in the school. This has proven very popular in the past and will take place during PE time on Fridays.
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK begins on the 31st January and runs through to the following weekend. During that week, we will be doing a number of activities in the school and we will all attend Mass on the Wednesday. We will also have GRANDPARENTS DAY on Friday the 5th for the Grandparents of the children in 2nd class. This is another lovely event for all involved.
2ND CLASS have a number of other dates to remember this term. They are continuing to attend monthly Masses at 10:30 am each second Sunday of the month. These Masses are very well attended and the children are actively involved. On the 3rd February, the meeting for all 2nd class children of both parish schools making First Penance and First Communion will take place in Scoil Naomh Feichín and First Penance will be in the Church of the Assumption on the 24th February.
6TH CLASS also have a number of important dates to remember this term. PLEDGE SUNDAY Mass will be at 9am on Sunday, 7th February and the meeting for all parents of those making Confirmation in both parish schools will take place in our school on the 16th February.
The CREDIT UNION QUIZ will take place in our school on Monday the 1st February directly after school. This is always a fun event and the quiz master is our own former principal, Mr. Gerry Campbell.
A belated welcome back and a Happy New Year to everyone!
Our 2nd term has got off to a very good start and everyone is settled and working well after the "busyness" of December and Christmas concerts. I must congratulate everyone again on their hard work and the fantastic shows that were put on by all classes. Special mention must be made of all the teachers who put so much work and effort in to these plays that were so enjoyed by both the children and the audience. The standard was amazing!
I would also like to commend everyone for their generosity in our appeal for the local conference of the St. Vincent de Paul before Christmas. Over €1000 was raised in the school during our Mad Hair/Christmas Jumper Day. The children of 6th class also got involved in packing hampers for those less fortunate than themselves in our local area.
We began our 2nd term on the 6th Jan with Mass in the Church of the Assumption for the Feast of the Epiphany. It was a lovely mass and the readings and prayer of the faithful were done by the children in 5th class along with their teacher, Mrs. Devlin.
This term we also welcome to our staff, Ms. Mc Keown, who is covering Ms. O' Callaghan's maternity leave. She is settling in well and doing great work with 2nd and 3rd class.
One important date for your diary this term is the 11th February. After the success of last year's OPEN DAY, we plan to have another one on this day. Once more, we invite you all to come and see the wonderful work that is being done with your children in school. We also invite all those who are planning to join us in September next and anyone who may be interested in sending their child to us in the next few years. We will be putting out an appeal for goodies again as the Parents Association will be doing tea and cakes in the hall. We will let you know the details closer to the time.
On Wednesday, 20th January, all children from 4th to 6th will be starting a 6 week course in samba drumming given by Kieran Gallagher of Kadakaboom Arts in Drogheda.
On Friday, 22nd January, Darren is back to do an 8 week course of tennis with all children in the school. This has proven very popular in the past and will take place during PE time on Fridays.
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK begins on the 31st January and runs through to the following weekend. During that week, we will be doing a number of activities in the school and we will all attend Mass on the Wednesday. We will also have GRANDPARENTS DAY on Friday the 5th for the Grandparents of the children in 2nd class. This is another lovely event for all involved.
2ND CLASS have a number of other dates to remember this term. They are continuing to attend monthly Masses at 10:30 am each second Sunday of the month. These Masses are very well attended and the children are actively involved. On the 3rd February, the meeting for all 2nd class children of both parish schools making First Penance and First Communion will take place in Scoil Naomh Feichín and First Penance will be in the Church of the Assumption on the 24th February.
6TH CLASS also have a number of important dates to remember this term. PLEDGE SUNDAY Mass will be at 9am on Sunday, 7th February and the meeting for all parents of those making Confirmation in both parish schools will take place in our school on the 16th February.
The CREDIT UNION QUIZ will take place in our school on Monday the 1st February directly after school. This is always a fun event and the quiz master is our own former principal, Mr. Gerry Campbell.
On Wednesday 16th December, 6th Class with Ms Geraghty & Mr Reilly will visit The Ferrard Day Care Centre in Clogherhead to sing for the visitors there. On Tuesday 22nd they will also visit Sunhill Nursing Home, to sing for the residents before Christmas. On Thursday, 17th December, we are running a mad hair & Christmas Jumper day in aid of the local St Vincent De Paul Conference.
Congratulations to Ms Marron who gave birth to a beautiful bay boy, Oisin on 7th December, Ms Devlin is replacing her teaching 5th class. Best wishes to Ms O'Callaghan who is going on maternity leave on 22nd December. She is being replaced by Ms McKeown.
On Thursday 10th December 6th Class along with Ms Geraghty & Mrs Victory paid a visit to Leinster House and the National History Museum. They met Senator Mary Moran. A great day was had by all.
Christmas 2015
We are very busy at school preparing for Christmas. We are now well into the second week of Advent and Mrs Lynch and Dolores have made up lovely Advent displays for the hall. Our Christmas cards, which were organized by the Parents Association, have arrived and been sent home to all families who wanted to buy them.
Our Christmas concert preparation is at a very advanced stage now and excitement is mounting about the shows which will take place in the school hall at 7pm sharp on the 15th & 16th Dec. Both teachers and pupils have put in Trojan work in preparing these performances and we have no doubt that both shows will be superb.
We are very busy at school preparing for Christmas. We are now well into the second week of Advent and Mrs Lynch and Dolores have made up lovely Advent displays for the hall. Our Christmas cards, which were organized by the Parents Association, have arrived and been sent home to all families who wanted to buy them.
Our Christmas concert preparation is at a very advanced stage now and excitement is mounting about the shows which will take place in the school hall at 7pm sharp on the 15th & 16th Dec. Both teachers and pupils have put in Trojan work in preparing these performances and we have no doubt that both shows will be superb.
Safety on the Internet Talks
On Thursday, 12th November, we will have a visit from a group called Chatbudi who do talks around schools on safety on the internet and cyber bullying. This is an ongoing problem in our world today and one that needs regular addressing. They will visit all classes from 2nd to 6th and will also do a session for parents in the evening to which 4th to 6th class pupils are invited to come also along with their parents. I have been told they do a very good talk and hope as many of you as possible will try to attend.
On Thursday, 12th November, we will have a visit from a group called Chatbudi who do talks around schools on safety on the internet and cyber bullying. This is an ongoing problem in our world today and one that needs regular addressing. They will visit all classes from 2nd to 6th and will also do a session for parents in the evening to which 4th to 6th class pupils are invited to come also along with their parents. I have been told they do a very good talk and hope as many of you as possible will try to attend.
Please click on the link above to see some photographs from our visit from The Defence Forces
The Kelly Cup Comes to School
We were delighted to welcome some members of the victorious St Feichins senior hurling team along with the Kelly cup to our school today. They were accompanied by their trainers Tom Ryan and Donal Lynch. The children all donned their green and white jerseys in honour of the occasion and there was great excitement among the pupils.
Flag and Proclamation
Sargent Kevin Flanagan will come to our school on Thursday 21st October at 11:30am to present us with our national flag and a copy of the Proclamation. There will be a short ceremony during which Sargent Flanagan will speak and the children have some songs and a poem prepared also. Sixth class and Ms. Geraghty have put together a lovely display for the day also. Well done to them. Please click on the link above to see some photographs from the visit.
School Stars
The very best of luck to all our children who are auditioning for School Stars on Sunday 18th Oct. Enjoy the experience and hopefully some of you will be representing us on the show on 15th Nov. next.
2nd Class Enrolment
Congratulations to all our 2nd class pupils who enrolled for First Penance and First Communion at 9 am Mass on 11th Oct. It was a lovely Mass for all involved and special thanks to the 3rd class children who came along to sing to make the Mass even more special for all. Well done to Mr. Reilly and Ms. O Callaghan who are preparing 2nd class for the sacraments.
Garda Sports Day
Last Thursday 8th Oct. our 6th class pupils along with Ms Geraghty and Mrs Victory headed to the Garda Sports Day in the O Raghallaighs football grounds in town. About 20 local schools took part and great fun was had by all. Our children did very well getting to many of the finals. A special well done to Lois O Hare who came 2nd in the 200m final and to Orlaigh O Neill and Becky Mc Grane who came 3rd in the three legged race.
The Kelly Cup Comes to School
We were delighted to welcome some members of the victorious St Feichins senior hurling team along with the Kelly cup to our school today. They were accompanied by their trainers Tom Ryan and Donal Lynch. The children all donned their green and white jerseys in honour of the occasion and there was great excitement among the pupils.
Flag and Proclamation
Sargent Kevin Flanagan will come to our school on Thursday 21st October at 11:30am to present us with our national flag and a copy of the Proclamation. There will be a short ceremony during which Sargent Flanagan will speak and the children have some songs and a poem prepared also. Sixth class and Ms. Geraghty have put together a lovely display for the day also. Well done to them. Please click on the link above to see some photographs from the visit.
School Stars
The very best of luck to all our children who are auditioning for School Stars on Sunday 18th Oct. Enjoy the experience and hopefully some of you will be representing us on the show on 15th Nov. next.
2nd Class Enrolment
Congratulations to all our 2nd class pupils who enrolled for First Penance and First Communion at 9 am Mass on 11th Oct. It was a lovely Mass for all involved and special thanks to the 3rd class children who came along to sing to make the Mass even more special for all. Well done to Mr. Reilly and Ms. O Callaghan who are preparing 2nd class for the sacraments.
Garda Sports Day
Last Thursday 8th Oct. our 6th class pupils along with Ms Geraghty and Mrs Victory headed to the Garda Sports Day in the O Raghallaighs football grounds in town. About 20 local schools took part and great fun was had by all. Our children did very well getting to many of the finals. A special well done to Lois O Hare who came 2nd in the 200m final and to Orlaigh O Neill and Becky Mc Grane who came 3rd in the three legged race.
Our Term so Far
Yesterday, on Wednesday 23rd September we had our Opening Liturgy of the school year which took place in the Church of the Assumption at 10:00am. It was a lovely ceremony led by Fr. Aidan. Many children and teachers also led us in prayer and the choir sang beautifully.
Just to keep everyone up to speed on what else has been happening so far in school, our guitar classes are up and running on a Tuesday after school as is Spanish on a Monday. Lego Club began again this week and takes place on Wednesday after school.
Choir has begun again and takes place on Thursday afternoons from 2:20 to 3:00. Ms. Geraghty is doing great work with them and there are lovely melodious sounds in the hall each Thursday!
Both boys and girls football takes place at lunch time under Mr Reilly and Mrs McGuinness (boys) and Ms. Geraghty and Mrs. Lynch (girls) one day each a week.
Swimming for 3rd class began today and all really enjoyed. We hope the children will be well challenged and gain extra fitness for swimming over the course of the 10 weeks.
Dates for your Diary
Our parents A.G.M. takes place in the school hall on Wednesday, 30th September at 8:00pm. At this meeting we will also have a presentation on the new pilot anti-bullying procedures in the school and the parent nominees for the forthcoming new Board of Management will be sought. All parents are invited to attend.
On Wednesday, 21st October our school will have a visit from the Defense Forces who will present us with our national flag and a copy of the proclamation of the Irish Republic, as part of the commemoration of the 1916 Rising, which took place 100 years ago next year. Throughout the school year, there will be a number of activities done with the children based on the Rising, culminating in a national day of commemoration on 15th March next year.
Parent -Teacher Meetings for 1st to 6th classes will take place after school on Thursday, 22nd October in the school hall. Your child's teacher will contact you with your time slot closer to that date. Infant Parent -Teacher Meetings will take place in late January.
Yesterday, on Wednesday 23rd September we had our Opening Liturgy of the school year which took place in the Church of the Assumption at 10:00am. It was a lovely ceremony led by Fr. Aidan. Many children and teachers also led us in prayer and the choir sang beautifully.
Just to keep everyone up to speed on what else has been happening so far in school, our guitar classes are up and running on a Tuesday after school as is Spanish on a Monday. Lego Club began again this week and takes place on Wednesday after school.
Choir has begun again and takes place on Thursday afternoons from 2:20 to 3:00. Ms. Geraghty is doing great work with them and there are lovely melodious sounds in the hall each Thursday!
Both boys and girls football takes place at lunch time under Mr Reilly and Mrs McGuinness (boys) and Ms. Geraghty and Mrs. Lynch (girls) one day each a week.
Swimming for 3rd class began today and all really enjoyed. We hope the children will be well challenged and gain extra fitness for swimming over the course of the 10 weeks.
Dates for your Diary
Our parents A.G.M. takes place in the school hall on Wednesday, 30th September at 8:00pm. At this meeting we will also have a presentation on the new pilot anti-bullying procedures in the school and the parent nominees for the forthcoming new Board of Management will be sought. All parents are invited to attend.
On Wednesday, 21st October our school will have a visit from the Defense Forces who will present us with our national flag and a copy of the proclamation of the Irish Republic, as part of the commemoration of the 1916 Rising, which took place 100 years ago next year. Throughout the school year, there will be a number of activities done with the children based on the Rising, culminating in a national day of commemoration on 15th March next year.
Parent -Teacher Meetings for 1st to 6th classes will take place after school on Thursday, 22nd October in the school hall. Your child's teacher will contact you with your time slot closer to that date. Infant Parent -Teacher Meetings will take place in late January.
Welcome Back!
We are delighted to welcome everyone back for the new school year, 2015-2016. We hope you had a great Summer and are all set for the year ahead. We especially welcome our 27 junior infants who have begun their school life with us. We hope the next 8 years will be a time of learning, fun, friendship and growth for them. Our school calendar for the coming year is on our website and you will be informed of all school event dates as they come to hand. For your diaries, the provisional dates for our Christmas concert this year are Tues 15th and Wed 16th December. Should there be any change in this, we will let you know. Thank you, as ever, for your ongoing support and we look forward to the year ahead.
We are delighted to welcome everyone back for the new school year, 2015-2016. We hope you had a great Summer and are all set for the year ahead. We especially welcome our 27 junior infants who have begun their school life with us. We hope the next 8 years will be a time of learning, fun, friendship and growth for them. Our school calendar for the coming year is on our website and you will be informed of all school event dates as they come to hand. For your diaries, the provisional dates for our Christmas concert this year are Tues 15th and Wed 16th December. Should there be any change in this, we will let you know. Thank you, as ever, for your ongoing support and we look forward to the year ahead.
End of Year Mass and Active Flag Raising
On Wednesday 24th June, we will have our end of year Mass at 10am and all are welcome to attend. Following this, the children will return to school for break after which we will raise our Active Flag which we received following a lot of hard work on behalf of everyone in the school, especially Mr Reilly and his committee. Well done to them! The flag will be raised by Mrs Griffin as the longest serving teacher in the school and one who got so much behind the Active Flag idea in the last 15 months, coming up with all sorts of ideas to make our children more active.
On Friday, we will close for the Summer holidays and we wish you all a very happy and sun-filled holiday. We will see you all back here on 28th August to begin school year 2015-16.
On Wednesday 24th June, we will have our end of year Mass at 10am and all are welcome to attend. Following this, the children will return to school for break after which we will raise our Active Flag which we received following a lot of hard work on behalf of everyone in the school, especially Mr Reilly and his committee. Well done to them! The flag will be raised by Mrs Griffin as the longest serving teacher in the school and one who got so much behind the Active Flag idea in the last 15 months, coming up with all sorts of ideas to make our children more active.
On Friday, we will close for the Summer holidays and we wish you all a very happy and sun-filled holiday. We will see you all back here on 28th August to begin school year 2015-16.
Boys Reach the County Final!
We done to our boys football team who made it through to the county final this year. They had some very exciting games along the way and played Knockbridge in Stabannan on Saturday 13th June. It was a beautiful morning and a large group of supporters arrived from our school to cheer them on. After a very closely fought match with many exciting moments, we were beaten into 2nd place in the county. Although there was great disappointment after the match, we are very proud of the boys and their performance both on and off the field. Well done to Mr Reilly and Ms Butterly who trained the boys and a big thank you to all the parents that helped with lifts to the many matches.
Family Fun Day
After our very exciting match on the afternoon of 13th June, the Parents Association and 6th class ran a very successful Fun Day here in the school. There were all sorts of activities as well as a BBQ , teas and cakes and a wheel of fortune. There was a great atmosphere and the afternoon was enjoyed by all. This was a charity fund raiser and €1800 was raised to divide between Crumlin Childrens Hospital and Drogheda Womens Refuge. Well done to all involved.
Car Competition
Our school, along with 11 other schools in the Drogheda area are taking part in the Design a Car competition in conjunction with the car dealers of Drogheda and the Maritime Festival. Each school was given a wooden model car made by the Mens Shed in town to decorate as we saw fit. We had great fun designing our car and the end result can be seen on the Port at the Maritime Festival this weekend. A big thank you to Yvonne Gardiner for guiding us along the way with her artistic ideas.
We done to our boys football team who made it through to the county final this year. They had some very exciting games along the way and played Knockbridge in Stabannan on Saturday 13th June. It was a beautiful morning and a large group of supporters arrived from our school to cheer them on. After a very closely fought match with many exciting moments, we were beaten into 2nd place in the county. Although there was great disappointment after the match, we are very proud of the boys and their performance both on and off the field. Well done to Mr Reilly and Ms Butterly who trained the boys and a big thank you to all the parents that helped with lifts to the many matches.
Family Fun Day
After our very exciting match on the afternoon of 13th June, the Parents Association and 6th class ran a very successful Fun Day here in the school. There were all sorts of activities as well as a BBQ , teas and cakes and a wheel of fortune. There was a great atmosphere and the afternoon was enjoyed by all. This was a charity fund raiser and €1800 was raised to divide between Crumlin Childrens Hospital and Drogheda Womens Refuge. Well done to all involved.
Car Competition
Our school, along with 11 other schools in the Drogheda area are taking part in the Design a Car competition in conjunction with the car dealers of Drogheda and the Maritime Festival. Each school was given a wooden model car made by the Mens Shed in town to decorate as we saw fit. We had great fun designing our car and the end result can be seen on the Port at the Maritime Festival this weekend. A big thank you to Yvonne Gardiner for guiding us along the way with her artistic ideas.
Active Week
This week, 25th to 29th May we are holding Active Week in our school. Every day this week will involve some sort of activity as well as regular class work. Every morning we will have Wake Up, Shake Up in the yard and each day we will also continue our walking challenge. There will also be the regular PE classes on Tuesday and on Friday Darren has offered to give us a free day of tennis lessons.
On Monday 5th and 6th classes had a wonderfully active day in Carlingford Adventure Centre. They really enjoyed themselves and came home exhausted but very happy!
On Wednesday we will have Sports Day which will start with a walk on the beach for 1st to 6th classes and a more local walk for the infant classes. Then it will be back to school for all sorts of sporting activities.
On Thursday classes will be involved in skipping challenges and other active challenges.
We are all really looking forward to a most enjoyable and energetic week. Let's hope the weather remains kind to us!
This week, 25th to 29th May we are holding Active Week in our school. Every day this week will involve some sort of activity as well as regular class work. Every morning we will have Wake Up, Shake Up in the yard and each day we will also continue our walking challenge. There will also be the regular PE classes on Tuesday and on Friday Darren has offered to give us a free day of tennis lessons.
On Monday 5th and 6th classes had a wonderfully active day in Carlingford Adventure Centre. They really enjoyed themselves and came home exhausted but very happy!
On Wednesday we will have Sports Day which will start with a walk on the beach for 1st to 6th classes and a more local walk for the infant classes. Then it will be back to school for all sorts of sporting activities.
On Thursday classes will be involved in skipping challenges and other active challenges.
We are all really looking forward to a most enjoyable and energetic week. Let's hope the weather remains kind to us!
Open Day 2015
We held our Open Day on 30th April and it was a resounding success, enjoyed by all involved. Many thanks to the teachers who put so much time and effort into preparing our school and our children for the event. Thanks also to the parents who baked, served refreshments or simply came along. It could not have happened without you. A special well done to all our pupils who presented themselves and their school is such a wonderful manner. We were very proud of you all! Please see our Open Day section of the website for photos.
We held our Open Day on 30th April and it was a resounding success, enjoyed by all involved. Many thanks to the teachers who put so much time and effort into preparing our school and our children for the event. Thanks also to the parents who baked, served refreshments or simply came along. It could not have happened without you. A special well done to all our pupils who presented themselves and their school is such a wonderful manner. We were very proud of you all! Please see our Open Day section of the website for photos.
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to all for the last term of our school year. Where has the year gone? We hope you all had a lovely Easter and enjoyed the good weather. Last term it may be, but there is still a lot happening at school in the coming weeks:
Well done to our school chess team who came 2nd in the schools league. They will be presented with their trophies on a date in May thaty we do not have to hand yet. Thank you to all parents who helped to take the team to any of the matches.
6th class will celebrate their Confirmation Day on Saturday 25th April. Preparations are well under way for the day. This year it is the turn of our school to do the choir so we are very busy rehearsing. As Ms. Geraghty is the 6th class teacher this year, Ms. Moore and Mrs. Victory are taking care of the choir. 6th class pupils will do the psalm and Communion reflection. The celebrant for Confirmation will be Fr. Eugene Sweeney VF from Armagh. After the ceremony, as is tradition, the Parents Association, in cojunction with 5th class parents ( who will benefit next year ), will host a gathering in our school hall with refreshments served.
On 30th April from 5pm to 7pm, we are having an Open Evening in our school. You will have received an e-mail / letter in this regard. We are requesting that all children from 1st to 6th be available to help out for an hour that evening to show all the great work that is done here by all in the school. Our Parents Association have kindly offered to lend a hand that evening also. Thank you to them for all their support.
There will be lots more to keep you up to date with as the term progresses so keep an eye on the website!
Easter Holidays
School closes on 27th March for the Easter holidays and re-opens on 13th April. A very happy and holy Easter to all!
Parish Mission
We have had a mission in the parish this week, 21st to 28th March and there was Mass in the Church of the Assumption each morning at 10am. A class group attended each day and all classes from 2nd to 6th attended on Friday as the Mass was dedicated to Mrs. Courtney as we approach the 2nd anniversary of her death. The two priests giving the mission made special reference to how well behaved and respectful our children were in the church. They went so far as to say our children were among the best group they had ever worked with and that there was something special in our school. High praise indeed! Well done to all parents, teachers and children.
School closes on 27th March for the Easter holidays and re-opens on 13th April. A very happy and holy Easter to all!
Parish Mission
We have had a mission in the parish this week, 21st to 28th March and there was Mass in the Church of the Assumption each morning at 10am. A class group attended each day and all classes from 2nd to 6th attended on Friday as the Mass was dedicated to Mrs. Courtney as we approach the 2nd anniversary of her death. The two priests giving the mission made special reference to how well behaved and respectful our children were in the church. They went so far as to say our children were among the best group they had ever worked with and that there was something special in our school. High praise indeed! Well done to all parents, teachers and children.
New Football Jerseys
After many, many years in service, we are finally retiring our old school jerseys. The boys have beautiful new jerseys which were sponsored by Paul Flynn, father of Conor in 6th class. These jerseys had their first outing recently and look fab! The girls new jerseys are on order and will be with us soon after Easter. These were sponsored by Michael Taaffe, father of James in 3rd class. Thank you to both parents for their generosity and we hope to get great use out of the new jerseys in the coming years.
After many, many years in service, we are finally retiring our old school jerseys. The boys have beautiful new jerseys which were sponsored by Paul Flynn, father of Conor in 6th class. These jerseys had their first outing recently and look fab! The girls new jerseys are on order and will be with us soon after Easter. These were sponsored by Michael Taaffe, father of James in 3rd class. Thank you to both parents for their generosity and we hope to get great use out of the new jerseys in the coming years.
Our Celebration of our Irish Culture
We had a wonderful day in the school hall on 16th March to celebrate all things Irish. Each class performed a mixture of songs, poems, plays and dances all through the medium of Irish. Then we had Fergal Mc Evoy in to play Irish music for us and the Corrigan White School of Dancing performed Irish dancing followed by the Sandpit Set Dancers. Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir to all those who performed on the day and to Mrs. Griffin for co-ordinating the day's activities.
Our day was so successful on the 16th that we felt it was a shame that the parents did not get a chance to see their children perform. Therefore, we decided to invite parents and grandparents who might be free in to see the children perform once again on 23rd March at 1pm. The turn out was very large and all enjoyed immensely. Parents were amazed at how much Irish their children had and commented on how much the teaching of Irish has moved on from their time. The pop songs as Gaeilge were a real hit alongside the more traditional songs which are timeless.
Please take a look at the School Activities section of our website under Seachtain na Gaeilge to see our photos of the celbrations.
We had a wonderful day in the school hall on 16th March to celebrate all things Irish. Each class performed a mixture of songs, poems, plays and dances all through the medium of Irish. Then we had Fergal Mc Evoy in to play Irish music for us and the Corrigan White School of Dancing performed Irish dancing followed by the Sandpit Set Dancers. Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir to all those who performed on the day and to Mrs. Griffin for co-ordinating the day's activities.
Our day was so successful on the 16th that we felt it was a shame that the parents did not get a chance to see their children perform. Therefore, we decided to invite parents and grandparents who might be free in to see the children perform once again on 23rd March at 1pm. The turn out was very large and all enjoyed immensely. Parents were amazed at how much Irish their children had and commented on how much the teaching of Irish has moved on from their time. The pop songs as Gaeilge were a real hit alongside the more traditional songs which are timeless.
Please take a look at the School Activities section of our website under Seachtain na Gaeilge to see our photos of the celbrations.
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Is Seachtain na Gaeilge anois é agus tá a lán obair á dhéanamh ar son na Gaeilge sa scoil ag an am seo. Tá na ranganna go léir ag cleachtadh drámaí beaga, amhráin agus damhsa le cur ar siúl sa halla. Beidh Lá Mór Gaeilge againn sa halla ar an Luan, 16ú lá Márta. Beidh cuairteoirí ag teacht go dtí an scoil freisin le ceol agus damhsa. Is féidir le gach duine teacht isteach gléasta i nglas. Táimid go léir ag tnúth leis an lá mór.
It is Irish Week and we are doing a lot of work on our Irish in school at the moment.. All classes are practicing dramas, songs and dances to put on in the hall. We will have a big Irish Day in the hall on Monday, 16th March. We will have visitors coming with music and dance also. Everybody is invited to come in dressed in green. We are all really looking forward to the big day.
Is Seachtain na Gaeilge anois é agus tá a lán obair á dhéanamh ar son na Gaeilge sa scoil ag an am seo. Tá na ranganna go léir ag cleachtadh drámaí beaga, amhráin agus damhsa le cur ar siúl sa halla. Beidh Lá Mór Gaeilge againn sa halla ar an Luan, 16ú lá Márta. Beidh cuairteoirí ag teacht go dtí an scoil freisin le ceol agus damhsa. Is féidir le gach duine teacht isteach gléasta i nglas. Táimid go léir ag tnúth leis an lá mór.
It is Irish Week and we are doing a lot of work on our Irish in school at the moment.. All classes are practicing dramas, songs and dances to put on in the hall. We will have a big Irish Day in the hall on Monday, 16th March. We will have visitors coming with music and dance also. Everybody is invited to come in dressed in green. We are all really looking forward to the big day.
First Confession
Congratulations to 2nd class who made their First Confession on Wednesday, 11th March. The children were very well prepared by their teachers Mr. Reilly and Ms. O' Callaghan. The choir, under Ms. Geraghty, sang beautifully as the 2nd class made their individual confessions. The ceremony was beautiful also. Thanks to Fr. Aidan and our two visiting priests, Fr. Quinn and Fr. Dooley who helped make it such a positive experience for our children.
Congratulations to 2nd class who made their First Confession on Wednesday, 11th March. The children were very well prepared by their teachers Mr. Reilly and Ms. O' Callaghan. The choir, under Ms. Geraghty, sang beautifully as the 2nd class made their individual confessions. The ceremony was beautiful also. Thanks to Fr. Aidan and our two visiting priests, Fr. Quinn and Fr. Dooley who helped make it such a positive experience for our children.
5 Week Draw
Our parents association have, once again, organised a 5 week draw to raise funds to purchase equipment for your children's education in our school. Thanks is due to all those who organised the draw and to all who are supporting it. . Our first draw took place on Friday 27th February and the winner was Tracey Balfe, mother of Daniel in junior infants. The second draw will take place on Friday 6th March and you are encouraged to have your cards returned on time. Thank you.
Draw No. 2: Winner: Mary Ball, Grandmother of Phoebe O' Reilly in 2nd class.
Draw No 3: Winner: Mark Gorman, Father of Emma in 2nd class.
Draw No 4: Winner: Bobby Brady, a student in 6th class.
Our parents association have, once again, organised a 5 week draw to raise funds to purchase equipment for your children's education in our school. Thanks is due to all those who organised the draw and to all who are supporting it. . Our first draw took place on Friday 27th February and the winner was Tracey Balfe, mother of Daniel in junior infants. The second draw will take place on Friday 6th March and you are encouraged to have your cards returned on time. Thank you.
Draw No. 2: Winner: Mary Ball, Grandmother of Phoebe O' Reilly in 2nd class.
Draw No 3: Winner: Mark Gorman, Father of Emma in 2nd class.
Draw No 4: Winner: Bobby Brady, a student in 6th class.
World Book Day
World Book Day takes place on Wednesday 5th March. All children are encouraged to bring in their favourite book and dress up as their favourite book character.
World Book Day takes place on Wednesday 5th March. All children are encouraged to bring in their favourite book and dress up as their favourite book character.
First Penance and Confirmation
The parents meeting for Confirmation takes place in Scoil Naomh Feichín on Tuesday 3rd March at 8pm. The teachers will explain to parents how we are preparing your children for the Sacrament of Confirmation, Fr. Aidan will address the parents and there is a guest speaker to speak about alcohol and drug issues for teenagers.
First Penance will take place in the Church of the Assumption on Wednesday 11th March at 7:30pm. Our school choir will be helping out with the singing on the night. Please have your child in the church by 7:15pm.
2nd class children will also attend Sunday Mass as a group on Sunday 8th March as part of their ongoing preparation for First Holy Communion.
The parents meeting for Confirmation takes place in Scoil Naomh Feichín on Tuesday 3rd March at 8pm. The teachers will explain to parents how we are preparing your children for the Sacrament of Confirmation, Fr. Aidan will address the parents and there is a guest speaker to speak about alcohol and drug issues for teenagers.
First Penance will take place in the Church of the Assumption on Wednesday 11th March at 7:30pm. Our school choir will be helping out with the singing on the night. Please have your child in the church by 7:15pm.
2nd class children will also attend Sunday Mass as a group on Sunday 8th March as part of their ongoing preparation for First Holy Communion.
Parent Teacher Meetings
Parent Teacher Meetings take place in the school hall from 2pm for infant classes and from 3pm for all other classes on Thursday 12th February.
Parent Teacher Meetings take place in the school hall from 2pm for infant classes and from 3pm for all other classes on Thursday 12th February.
Engineering Talk
Our 6th class had a very interesting talk on Wednesday 11th February. This was given by Caroline Corrigan who is a parent and a past pupil of our school. Caroline is an engineer and came to talk to the class on the job of engineers and the many types of engineering there are out there. She also talked to the children about waste management and then the children got to have a chance at being engineers as they constructed structures from cocktail sticks and mini marshmallows and tested them for stability - all the more fun when you can eat your creation afterwards! The class then wrote reports on the talk, one of which may be published in next months Primary Planet magazine which schools around the country are using in 5th and 6th classes. Thanks to Caroline for taking the time out to come and see us.
Our 6th class had a very interesting talk on Wednesday 11th February. This was given by Caroline Corrigan who is a parent and a past pupil of our school. Caroline is an engineer and came to talk to the class on the job of engineers and the many types of engineering there are out there. She also talked to the children about waste management and then the children got to have a chance at being engineers as they constructed structures from cocktail sticks and mini marshmallows and tested them for stability - all the more fun when you can eat your creation afterwards! The class then wrote reports on the talk, one of which may be published in next months Primary Planet magazine which schools around the country are using in 5th and 6th classes. Thanks to Caroline for taking the time out to come and see us.
2nd Class Monthly Mass
Our 2nd class children are continuing to attend Sunday mass as a group once a month. The turn out so far has been excellent. Many thanks to their teachers for all their hard work in preparing the children for the Mass each month.
Our 2nd class children are continuing to attend Sunday mass as a group once a month. The turn out so far has been excellent. Many thanks to their teachers for all their hard work in preparing the children for the Mass each month.
Grandparents Day - A Great Treat for All
Well done to Mr Reilly, Ms O' Callaghan and 2nd class for a lovely afternoon for your Grandparents on Wednesday of Catholic Schools Week. The children and their teachers prepared a beautiful programme of entertainment for all our visitors to the school. There was also a great spread of goodies baked by the children and their parents. These, too, were enjoyed by all. Thank you to the parents who came in to help out on the day. See our Grandparents Day photos under the Activities in our School section of the website.
Well done to Mr Reilly, Ms O' Callaghan and 2nd class for a lovely afternoon for your Grandparents on Wednesday of Catholic Schools Week. The children and their teachers prepared a beautiful programme of entertainment for all our visitors to the school. There was also a great spread of goodies baked by the children and their parents. These, too, were enjoyed by all. Thank you to the parents who came in to help out on the day. See our Grandparents Day photos under the Activities in our School section of the website.
Catholic Schools Week
This week, beginning on Sunday, 25th January, we are celebrating Catholic Schools Week. The theme this year is "Called to Serve" and 6th class, with Ms. Geraghty, got the week off to a good start by taking part in the 9 am Mass in our local church on Sunday morning.
Each day of the week in school the children are reminded that we can serve God in many different ways. We will attend Mass as a school on Wednesday morning and on Wednesday afternoon 2nd class, with their teachers, Mr Reilly and Ms O' Callaghan, will invite the children's Grandparents into the school to celebrate Grandparents Day. This is always a lovely occasion enjoyed by young and not so young alike!
This week, beginning on Sunday, 25th January, we are celebrating Catholic Schools Week. The theme this year is "Called to Serve" and 6th class, with Ms. Geraghty, got the week off to a good start by taking part in the 9 am Mass in our local church on Sunday morning.
Each day of the week in school the children are reminded that we can serve God in many different ways. We will attend Mass as a school on Wednesday morning and on Wednesday afternoon 2nd class, with their teachers, Mr Reilly and Ms O' Callaghan, will invite the children's Grandparents into the school to celebrate Grandparents Day. This is always a lovely occasion enjoyed by young and not so young alike!
Congratulations, Tim!
Well done to Tim Daly in 6th class who received a scholarship to Drogheda Grammar School for his secondary school years. Tim did great preparation for this scholarship exam with his teacher, Ms. Geraghty and was one of 100 children to sit the exam out of which only about 8 received a scholarship.
Well done to Tim Daly in 6th class who received a scholarship to Drogheda Grammar School for his secondary school years. Tim did great preparation for this scholarship exam with his teacher, Ms. Geraghty and was one of 100 children to sit the exam out of which only about 8 received a scholarship.
Welcome Back and Happy New Year!
Welcome back to all staff and pupils. We hope you had a lovely Christmas and that 2015 is a good year for us all. This year, as far as possible, we plan to send whole school notes by e-mail unless otherwise requested, so please keep a close eye on your e-mails! As ever, school will be a busy place in 2015 and here are a few dates and notices for your diaries in the immediate future:
Sunday, 11th Jan: 2nd class monthly Mass @ 10:30 am in the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Monday, 12th Jan: Language classes recommence after school.
Tuesday, 13th Jan: Music classes recommence after school.
Chess recommences in hall @ 12:30pm.
Wednesday, 14th Jan: Lego club commences ( 3:00 - 3:45 ).
Friday, 23rd Jan: Tennis lessons recommence for an 8 week run during PE time ( €12 per child - letter to follow ).
Sunday, 25th Jan: Opening Mass for Catholic Schools Week @ 9 am in Church of the Assumption ( 6th class to represent school ).
Monday, 26th Jan: Catholic Schools Week - various events will take place in school. We will all attend mass on Wednesday morning and 2nd class will host Grandparents Day, also on Wednesday. The theme of this years Catholic Schools Week is "Called to Serve". This is a week to celebrate what it means to be a Catholic school.
Welcome back to all staff and pupils. We hope you had a lovely Christmas and that 2015 is a good year for us all. This year, as far as possible, we plan to send whole school notes by e-mail unless otherwise requested, so please keep a close eye on your e-mails! As ever, school will be a busy place in 2015 and here are a few dates and notices for your diaries in the immediate future:
Sunday, 11th Jan: 2nd class monthly Mass @ 10:30 am in the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Monday, 12th Jan: Language classes recommence after school.
Tuesday, 13th Jan: Music classes recommence after school.
Chess recommences in hall @ 12:30pm.
Wednesday, 14th Jan: Lego club commences ( 3:00 - 3:45 ).
Friday, 23rd Jan: Tennis lessons recommence for an 8 week run during PE time ( €12 per child - letter to follow ).
Sunday, 25th Jan: Opening Mass for Catholic Schools Week @ 9 am in Church of the Assumption ( 6th class to represent school ).
Monday, 26th Jan: Catholic Schools Week - various events will take place in school. We will all attend mass on Wednesday morning and 2nd class will host Grandparents Day, also on Wednesday. The theme of this years Catholic Schools Week is "Called to Serve". This is a week to celebrate what it means to be a Catholic school.
Happy Christmas to All!
Our Carol Service and Infant plays went off very well on the 16th and 17th December(see the Christmas section of our website for details).
We close tomorrow at 12:30 pm for the Christmas holidays and will reopen on Mon. 5th January 2015. A Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to all!
Our Carol Service and Infant plays went off very well on the 16th and 17th December(see the Christmas section of our website for details).
We close tomorrow at 12:30 pm for the Christmas holidays and will reopen on Mon. 5th January 2015. A Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to all!
Non Uniform Day for Vincent de Paul
Today,11th December, we held a non uniform day with a Christmas theme in aid of the local conference of the Vincent de Paul. Everyone looked great in their Christmas jumpers, Santa hats and so much more. Even more importantly, through your generosity, €900 was raised which will go directly to families in need in our local area this Christmas. Watch out for photos of the children all dressed up in the Helping Others Section of our website.
Today,11th December, we held a non uniform day with a Christmas theme in aid of the local conference of the Vincent de Paul. Everyone looked great in their Christmas jumpers, Santa hats and so much more. Even more importantly, through your generosity, €900 was raised which will go directly to families in need in our local area this Christmas. Watch out for photos of the children all dressed up in the Helping Others Section of our website.
Christmas Is Coming!
As we reach the end of November, there are definite signs in our school that Christmas is on its way .The Christmas card samples have come in and these will go to the printer on Thursday for final printing up. The annuals have also reached us and will go on sale from Monday next, 1st December, at a price of €3.
Preparations for our Christmas Carol Service are under way. This year our infant classes will perform little plays in the hall on Tuesday 16th December at 1pm. All parents are invited to attend. 1st to 6th classes will perform a Carol service on the following day, Wednesday 17th at 7pm. Once again, parents are invited to attend.
Sixth class and their teacher, Ms. Geraghty, are also very busy preparing to pay a visit to Sunhill Nursing Home to sing for the residents. This is something the children in the school have been doing for a few years now and the residents really enjoy it. This year they also plan to visit the Ferrard Day Care Centre. Ms. Geraghty and Mr. Reilly will go with the children on the day and lead them in their songs.
On Thursday 18th, Santa will take time out of his busy schedule to visit us in the school hall with little tokens for the children.
School will close on Friday 19th for the Christmas holidays.
Well Done, Cillian!
On Thursday last, 22nd November, one of our 6th class boys, Cillian Tracey, qualified for the World Championships in Irish dancing. This is no mean feat and we wish him all the very best as he travels to Montreal next year to compete.
On Thursday last, 22nd November, one of our 6th class boys, Cillian Tracey, qualified for the World Championships in Irish dancing. This is no mean feat and we wish him all the very best as he travels to Montreal next year to compete.
School Photographer
The photographer, Paddy Griffin, visited our school on 10th November and the proofs have now been sent back to school for ordering. Please get your orders in as soon as possible. Paddy will be back to collect these for printing in the coming week.
Boys and Girls Football
On Wednesday, 1st October our boys football team headed out to play a blitz against Scoil Aonghusa, Collon N.S. and Scoil Naomh Feichín. The boys played fantastically winning two of their matches and just being pipped at the post in extra time in the third match. They played Tullyallen the following week and won that match also. On Monday, 13th October they played Collon NS again for a place in the semi final. Despite battling hard, they were beaten in this match. Well done, boys and we look forward to the Spring league when there will be more opportunities to do well.
Our girls team had a match on Tuesday, 7th October against Scoil Naomh Feichín. It was a super match and the girls played superbly and won the game. On Tuesday, 14th October the girls again played, this time for a place in the semi final. This match was against Harestown and again the girls played fantastically and won. Well done girls!
Just after out Halloween break, our girls, once again took to the field against Callystown in the semi final. While they played well and gave it their all, they did not make it through to the final. The girls were disappointed but we are all proud of them for getting so far.
Well done to all boys and girls involved and a big thank you to the teachers who train them and take them to their matches.
October 2014
New Arts Initiative
Just to let you all know that we have added a new page to our school website to highlight a new initiative that is taking place in our school this term from Sept to Dec. A full explanation of what this initiative is about is outlined on this page titled 'Arts in Education Initiative' and you will find it at the bottom of the menu on the Home Page...please have a look and keep up with the project as it unfolds!
Today, 16th September, 8 girls from senior infants attended the Highlanes Gallery along with Mrs. Victory and 3 parents of senior infants, for the opening of the Texaco Art Competition exhibition. Alana Scanlon of senior infants, has a picture being exhibited as she was one of the highly commended entrants in last years competition. Well This exhibition will be running for some time in the gallery and is really worth a visit.
Our 4th class pupils will be attending the gallery tomorrow as our school was chosen to take part in an art project in conjunction with the Highlanes Gallery during this school year. We will have more information on this as the year progresses.
Well Done, Alana!
Today, 16th September, 8 girls from senior infants attended the Highlanes Gallery along with Mrs. Victory and 3 parents of senior infants, for the opening of the Texaco Art Competition exhibition. Alana Scanlon of senior infants, has a picture being exhibited as she was one of the highly commended entrants in last years competition. Well This exhibition will be running for some time in the gallery and is really worth a visit.
Our 4th class pupils will be attending the gallery tomorrow as our school was chosen to take part in an art project in conjunction with the Highlanes Gallery during this school year. We will have more information on this as the year progresses.
Visit by Philip Mc Cabe
On Tuesday 23rd September we had a wonderful visit from one of our grandparents, Philip Mc Cabe. Philip is a leading expert on bees and shared a wealth of knowledge about bees with children and teachers alike. The children had all sorts of interesting questions for him and he had no problem answering each and all. He also brought along a special glass case in which he had about 7000 honey bees for the children to look at in safety. We all enjoyed the talk. Philip will also be on Mooney Goes Wild on RTE Radio 1 this coming Friday should anyone care to tune in.
Swimming for 3rd.
Third class will begin swimming today,25th September, in Aura. This is the aquatics part of the PE curriculum and will run for 10 weeks until 4th December. The children get great benefit and enjoyment from these classes.
Garda Sports Day for 6th Class
Sixth class and Ms Geraghty headed out to the O Raghaillighs Football pitch in town for the annual Garda sports day today, 1st October. This event is organised about this time each year as a memorial to Garda Tom Connolly, former schools liaison officer and past parent of our school who died shortly after his retirement some years ago.
The schools who took part in the event were blessed with a lovely warm day and fun was had by all.
New Arts Initiative
Just to let you all know that we have added a new page to our school website to highlight a new initiative that is taking place in our school this term from Sept to Dec. A full explanation of what this initiative is about is outlined on this page titled 'Arts in Education Initiative' and you will find it at the bottom of the menu on the Home Page...please have a look and keep up with the project as it unfolds!
Today, 16th September, 8 girls from senior infants attended the Highlanes Gallery along with Mrs. Victory and 3 parents of senior infants, for the opening of the Texaco Art Competition exhibition. Alana Scanlon of senior infants, has a picture being exhibited as she was one of the highly commended entrants in last years competition. Well This exhibition will be running for some time in the gallery and is really worth a visit.
Our 4th class pupils will be attending the gallery tomorrow as our school was chosen to take part in an art project in conjunction with the Highlanes Gallery during this school year. We will have more information on this as the year progresses.
Well Done, Alana!
Today, 16th September, 8 girls from senior infants attended the Highlanes Gallery along with Mrs. Victory and 3 parents of senior infants, for the opening of the Texaco Art Competition exhibition. Alana Scanlon of senior infants, has a picture being exhibited as she was one of the highly commended entrants in last years competition. Well This exhibition will be running for some time in the gallery and is really worth a visit.
Our 4th class pupils will be attending the gallery tomorrow as our school was chosen to take part in an art project in conjunction with the Highlanes Gallery during this school year. We will have more information on this as the year progresses.
Visit by Philip Mc Cabe
On Tuesday 23rd September we had a wonderful visit from one of our grandparents, Philip Mc Cabe. Philip is a leading expert on bees and shared a wealth of knowledge about bees with children and teachers alike. The children had all sorts of interesting questions for him and he had no problem answering each and all. He also brought along a special glass case in which he had about 7000 honey bees for the children to look at in safety. We all enjoyed the talk. Philip will also be on Mooney Goes Wild on RTE Radio 1 this coming Friday should anyone care to tune in.
Swimming for 3rd.
Third class will begin swimming today,25th September, in Aura. This is the aquatics part of the PE curriculum and will run for 10 weeks until 4th December. The children get great benefit and enjoyment from these classes.
Garda Sports Day for 6th Class
Sixth class and Ms Geraghty headed out to the O Raghaillighs Football pitch in town for the annual Garda sports day today, 1st October. This event is organised about this time each year as a memorial to Garda Tom Connolly, former schools liaison officer and past parent of our school who died shortly after his retirement some years ago.
The schools who took part in the event were blessed with a lovely warm day and fun was had by all.
Welcome Back!
A big "Céad Míle Fáilte Ar Ais" to all our school community! We hope you all had a wonderful Summer and are ready to take on the new school year. A special welcome to all our new pupils. We have 24 new junior infants who are settling very well with their teacher, Mrs. Griffin and a couple of other new entrants up through the school. We hope you will have many happy years with us.
This year we have introduced a new school diary for 1st to 6th classes which is personal to our school and includes a page with our school calendar for the year. There are also pages on our school philosophy, healthy eating and a Pupil Undertaking page where children agree to abide by school rules. This page is to be signed by both pupils and parents.
As ever, we will have lots of activities and events as the year progresses and you will be informed of everything as it occurs. A big thank you to our Parents Association who put a lot of hard work into purchasing and distributing our school books for the year ahead. Many of them were in here during the Summer holidays organizing books for each individual child which were then put in class boxes and distributed. Once again, thank you.
You will all be aware that we were fund raising, again through the Parents Association, for tablets in the school. We have now had wifi put in all over the school and have bought 15 new tablets for class use. As yet, we have not introduced these to the children as teachers are familiarizing themselves with them and we have a few things to put in place before they go into general use. Once again, thanks to one and all for the support in this fundraising.
We now look forward to the year ahead and we will keep you posted here on achievements, events and activities the first of which will be our Opening Liturgy on Wed 17th Sept in the Church of the Assumption at 10am. All are welcome to attend.
A big "Céad Míle Fáilte Ar Ais" to all our school community! We hope you all had a wonderful Summer and are ready to take on the new school year. A special welcome to all our new pupils. We have 24 new junior infants who are settling very well with their teacher, Mrs. Griffin and a couple of other new entrants up through the school. We hope you will have many happy years with us.
This year we have introduced a new school diary for 1st to 6th classes which is personal to our school and includes a page with our school calendar for the year. There are also pages on our school philosophy, healthy eating and a Pupil Undertaking page where children agree to abide by school rules. This page is to be signed by both pupils and parents.
As ever, we will have lots of activities and events as the year progresses and you will be informed of everything as it occurs. A big thank you to our Parents Association who put a lot of hard work into purchasing and distributing our school books for the year ahead. Many of them were in here during the Summer holidays organizing books for each individual child which were then put in class boxes and distributed. Once again, thank you.
You will all be aware that we were fund raising, again through the Parents Association, for tablets in the school. We have now had wifi put in all over the school and have bought 15 new tablets for class use. As yet, we have not introduced these to the children as teachers are familiarizing themselves with them and we have a few things to put in place before they go into general use. Once again, thanks to one and all for the support in this fundraising.
We now look forward to the year ahead and we will keep you posted here on achievements, events and activities the first of which will be our Opening Liturgy on Wed 17th Sept in the Church of the Assumption at 10am. All are welcome to attend.